• Food Food

Expert gardener shares 'brilliant' hack for infinite kitchen herbs: 'These are new, free plants'

"You can't beat home grown basil."

"You can't beat home grown basil."

Photo Credit: TikTok

The next time you buy basil from the supermarket, make it your last and try this hack to grow your own endless supply of the fresh herb. 

Thanks to gardening expert Simon Akeroyd (@simonakeroydgardener), you can learn how to propagate and grow basil at home so you won't have to put it on your grocery list ever again.

@simonakeroydgardener Basil! Here is an easy herb to grow. You can propagate basil all year round. If you do it in winter just keep indoors and keep in a centrally heated room. Enjoy 😀 #gardening #growyourown #gardeningforbeginners ♬ Wonderwall - Oasis

The scoop

After purchasing a basil plant from your local grocery store, remove one of the young stems with a pair of scissors. Gently pull off the lower leaves and place the small stem in a jar of water.

Over time, the stem will start to develop roots. 

"These are new, free plants," Simon says.

Once the roots have developed, transfer your new basil plant into a pot of compost and place it in a sunny spot. Whenever you need more basil, simply take more cuttings from your blooming plant to restart the propagation process

"Basil! Here is an easy herb to grow," Simon says. "You can propagate basil all year round. You will never need to buy basil again."

How it's helping

Simon's gardening hack teaches TikTokers worldwide how to grow their own herbs. By encouraging users to start gardening, Simon is helping his followers save money on groceries. 

Gardening is also a great way to support your physical and mental health. A study from the University of Colorado found that individuals who consistently garden are healthier than those who don't. Gardening can also help reduce stress and increase well-being. 

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From an environmental standpoint, growing your own fruits and vegetables helps reduce the demand for mass-produced, globally shipped produce. By planting your own produce, you can decrease your carbon footprint.

What everyone's saying 

TikTokers were appreciative to discover the hack

"I always love your content," one user responded. "I love the way you show us how to grow plants from everyday foods."

"I already do this," another wrote. "I have basil bushes! I love the smell in the house."

"Thanks for teaching us how to save money on herbs and fruits and veggies that we can grow at home," one user said.

"Brilliant," another TikToker stated. "You can't beat home grown basil."

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