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Video of tourists ignoring rules for photo opportunity next to geyser sparks outrage: 'What possesses people to risk their lives'

"Stop doing this for clout!"

“Stop doing this for clout!”

Photo Credit: Instagram

"The definition of stupidity and ignorance!" is how one Instagram user described the actions of two tourists who got way too close to the Flood Geyser at Yellowstone National Park.

Footage captured by Joey Melton (@joeym826) and uploaded to the TouronsOfYellowstone (@touronsofyellowstone) Instagram account shows the individuals ignoring park guidance and throwing caution to the wind by taking photos next to the frothing and bubbling geyser.

The National Park Service's website says visitors should remain on designated boardwalks and trails around hot springs and geysers, not only to protect the natural features surrounding the geothermal marvels but also to stop people from burning themselves.

The water that erupts from geysers and flows under the delicate, breakable crust surrounding them is scalding hot, and Yellowstone says more than 20 people have died from the burns suffered after entering or falling into the springs while breaking park rules.

As well as being dangerously hot, the water can sometimes be acidic, adding an extra layer of peril to an already unwise decision when getting close to geysers and hot springs

Rules are in place for a reason, and former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan is not even allowed to break them. 

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"Stop doing this for clout!" one Instagrammer pleaded. "It's not only illegal and lethally dangerous, but it's also detrimentally and irreparably destructive towards the landscape! That landscape is similar to being on a surface of an alien planet and having humans walk all over the restricted areas will [erode] away that geography! Stop this nonsense!"

Actions like this are incredibly dangerous, and they can also ruin things for other park-goers who respect nature, as more instances of rule-breaking might result in the privilege of seeing the geysers revoked for everyone else.

You don't need edgy pictures to prove where you've been. Staying on the paths, following the park's guidance, and using your zoom function on your camera is a much better way to show your love for nature than destroying thermal features. 

"What possesses people to risk their lives for a photo op," another Instagrammer wondered. "I have zero understanding."

"That's one step from accidentally being poached," someone else pointed out. 

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