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Homeowner shares before-and-after photos after transforming backyard into magical oasis: 'Looks like an incredible space to be in'

It might seem daunting to take on the task, but even replacing part of your lawn with native plants will provide some of these benefits.

It might seem daunting to take on the task, but even replacing part of your lawn with native plants will provide some of these benefits.

Photo Credit: Reddit

You can create your own natural oasis on your property, one homeowner discovered, as they transformed their backyard into a stunning home for family and wildlife alike. 

Posting to the r/NoLawns subreddit, the homeowner in Brașov County, Romania, revealed that a few years ago, they grew tired of having a plain lawn. Instead of having a flat green space, they created an area that is now thriving with a variety of plants and wildlife, benefiting their wallet and the environment. 

Since 2018, the homeowner and their family have built several raised beds to plant flowers, vegetables, and other greenery. They also dug a small pond in one corner of the yard. 

It might seem daunting to take on the task, but even replacing part of your lawn with native plants will provide some of these benefits.
Photo Credit: Reddit
It might seem daunting to take on the task, but even replacing part of your lawn with native plants will provide some of these benefits.
Photo Credit: Reddit

"Using the dug-out earth, some stones, and carefully selected plants, I created a peaceful retreat that my family adores," the poster said. 

Over the years, the homeowner decided to replace 80% of the lawn with "diverse and vibrant pollinator-friendly plants." Not only has the backyard become a beautiful space to relax in the sun, but it's also a thriving ecosystem that is successfully germinating flowers and producing delicious tomatoes and cucumbers.   

"The sense of fulfillment I now get from stepping into my backyard is overwhelming," the homeowner said. "It has transformed from a green desert into a vibrant oasis teeming with life, benefiting not only us but the insects, birds, amphibians, and other local wildlife as well." 

Switching to a natural lawn such as this, with native plants or clover, has many sustainable and economical benefits for homeowners. 

Instead of costing hundreds of dollars in fertilizer, pesticides, weed control, and other maintenance products annually, natural lawns stay healthy longer at a lower cost. The benefits don't stop there, as lawn alternatives including xeriscaping help conserve water — which not only saves you money but is eco-friendly as well. 

It might seem daunting to take on the task of redoing your backyard, but even replacing part of your lawn with native plants will provide some of these benefits. 

The recent transformation shocked many Reddit users, with one writing that the lawn looked "gorgeous." 

"Looks like an incredible space to be in," they added

"Beautiful. Thanks for sharing," another said.

The homeowner intends to maintain their lawn and even installed a camera to watch as birds and other animals, including bears, reap the benefits of the oasis as well.

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