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Property owner vents frustrations after finding destructive weeds invading their land: 'I've been fighting these for a few years'

"You're probably going to find a lot more as you work on your property."

"You're probably going to find a lot more as you work on your property."

Photo Credit: iStock

Any new owner of an existing property expects to find traces of the previous owner, but in some cases, those "gifts" aren't exactly welcomed.

For one new homeowner, it left them stuck dealing with not one but four invasive species monopolizing their yard.

"The suspects are oriental bittersweet, oriental privit, Japanese honey suckle and Japanese rose," they wrote in a post on the r/InvasiveSpecies subreddit. "I suspect that the original owners or whomever owned the land way back planted the offenders as a way to beautify the property while defining property lines."

One commenter jumped in with suggestions for ways to transform the yard into a native plant paradise instead. 

"You're probably going to find a lot more as you work on your property," they wrote. "... I've been fighting these for a few years. … It seems like every new plant I find here turns out to be invasive."

The list of invasive plants is long and includes some common names that many people don't realize are invasive, from English ivy to bamboo, kudzu, and honeysuckle. And once these sneaky species are in the ground, they grow exponentially faster than the native species, often dominating entire yards in a matter of months. (Occasionally, they even break into houses).

Based on the species, invasive plant experts recommend a variety of approaches, from pruning them repeatedly to uprooting and drying them out in the sun.

Some states are also attempting to curb the issue by issuing special permits for planting certain invasives, like bamboo. Others have skipped the permit step and simply banned the planting of certain invasive species altogether. 

"Best thing is to prioritize one species that you focus on to start with, then work in one area at a time," a commenter advised. "And spend a lot of time learning best practices for different plants because some thrive when we try to destroy them."

🗣️ If you were to switch from a grass lawn to a more natural option, which of these factors would be your primary motivation?

🔘 Making it look better 🌱

🔘 Saving money on water and maintenance 💰

🔘 Helping pollinators 🐝

🔘 No way I ever get rid of my lawn 🚫

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

Invasives are frustrating to deal with, but they're also a threat to local wildlife and pollinators, who form the base of our food chain. In turn, a threat to native plants is a threat to the entire economy; it's why the IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) found that approximately 3,500 geographically invasive plants and animals cost the global economy $423 billion every year

Instead, gardeners like this one can cultivate beautiful natural yards with pollinator-friendly, environmentally sound native species.

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