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Cleaning expert shares unbelievably simple way to clean grimy, tarnished copper pots: 'I would've never thought to try that'

"Just tried this!! Worked amazingly!!"

"Just tried this!! Worked amazingly!!"

Photo Credit: TikTok

Copper can add a beautiful, practical touch to nearly any kitchen, but you may find that cleaning copper cookware requires a little more than the usual soap and water.

Luckily, self-proclaimed clean freak Brandon (@cleanthatup) has shared a quick and easy trick on TikTok for keeping copper pots and pans looking spick and span.

@cleanthatup Replying to @Betsy V Lets try it! #cleantok #howto #satisfying #cleaningtiktok ♬ Golden Hour: Piano Version - Andy Morris

The scoop

Start by slicing a lemon in half, and add some salt to the freshly cut side of the fruit. Then, use the lemon to scrub the salt into the tarnished copper, which will reveal a shining surface beneath the grime. 

Brandon finishes by using a scrubbing sponge and a quick rinse to take care of any greasy buildup remaining on the copper-bottom pot.

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"What really amazed me is how fast it worked," he noted, showing off his newly cleaned kitchenware. 

How it's helping 

This cleaning hack is great since it requires only a few natural ingredients that may already be in your kitchen.

Homemade cleaners not only save you money, but they are also a more eco-friendly option that can help you cut down on the amount of plastic-packaged products you use — all while acting as a safe, effective alternative to chemical-filled store-bought cleaning solutions. 

There are plenty of recipes for simple, budget-friendly cleaning solutions, such as an all-purpose cleaner made of rubbing alcohol, castile soap, and water or a surface disinfectant made with leftover lemon peels and distilled white vinegar. 

By introducing small changes like these DIY formulas into your home, you can create a healthier living space for your family and benefit the planet (without the plastic bottles and mystery ingredients). 

What everyone's saying

Viewers were wowed by the lightning-fast results of the magic mixture, with some excited to try it out and others affirming how well the combination works. 

"I would've never thought to try that! Looks great!" one TikToker wrote. 

"Just tried this!! Worked amazingly!! Thank you!" another user exclaimed. 

"I went to school for pastry and baking, this is what we would use on copper as well!" a third commenter shared. 

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