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Gardener shares genius trick for knowing when your plants are ready to harvest: 'The video I needed to see'

"If I feel like that's a good size for me, I'm going to pull it up."

TikToker shares chaos carrots hack

Photo Credit: @MegGrowsPlants/ Tiktok

In a popular video, TikTok creator Meg (@MegGrowsPlants) shares how to know when your carrots are ready to harvest — even if you grow "chaos carrots" like she does.

The scoop

Planting "chaos carrots" refers to scattering seeds throughout your patch without keeping a clear eye on what types of seeds are going where. This makes for an aesthetically wild, mixed-up patch, which makes it hard to know when you need to harvest everything.

Meg shows off some of her carrots at various stages, highlighting how the bushier the stems of the carrot plants are, the more likely they are to be ready to harvest. However, even then, she shares a particular trick to make certain.

@meggrowsplants Replying to @mandalaktika i hope this helps! 🧡🧡 go forth and grow your chaos carrots! #gardentok #gardeningtips #gardeninghacks #growfood #growingcarrots #chaosgardening #gardeners #gardenersoftiktok ♬ original sound - MegGrowsPlants

Using a stick, she pokes at the dirt around the carrot and then feels the top of it to see how firm and large it is.

"If I feel like that's a good size for me, I'm going to pull it up," Meg explains. "Perfect carrot!"

How it's helping

Being able to easily see whether your vegetables are ready to be harvested means you don't risk disturbing your plants unnecessarily. Damage to roots or stems can cause plants to die off entirely, so it's best to leave them to grow unhampered and investigate gently when you absolutely need to.

Growing your own produce also reduces your dependence on grocery fruit and vegetables, meaning that less water and exhaustible resources are used to produce and transport your food across the country. For those who grow their own, all it takes is a few steps outside.

What everyone's saying

Green-fingered TikTok users were big fans of the useful video, with it earning over 11,000 likes on the social media platform.

"Thank you!!! running to my garden to check mine," one user comments, while another adds that this TikTok was "the video I needed to see."

Another TikTok user loved the idea of chaos carrots and excitedly asks, "What are other plants that can be chaos plants??" She got responses including wildflowers, radishes, and plenty of others.

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