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Major grocery chain announces first-of-its-kind paper wine bottle: 'A big difference for our planet'

The move is a reflection of the priorities of the store, as well as of its shoppers.

The move is a reflection of the priorities of the store, as well as of its shoppers.

Photo Credit: Aldi

Supermarket chain Aldi has partnered with a sustainable packaging company to create their store-brand paper wine bottles, Packaging Gateway reported. The bottles will be fully recyclable and are part of Aldi's ongoing initiative to reduce the amount of pollution it produces while giving environmentally-conscious shoppers more purchasing options.

While the glass bottles that wine is normally stored in are also recyclable, Aldi's "Frugal Bottles," designed by U.K.-based company Frugalpac, will have several additional environmental benefits. 

For one, the paper-based bottles are five times lighter than glass bottles, making them easier to transport.

The paper bottles will also be made from 94% recycled paperboard and a food-grade pouch.

As is the case with other forms of recycling, though glass is 100% recyclable, far from 100% of it gets recycled. In the United States, somewhere around 33% of used glass is recycled. In the U.K., the number is slightly higher, at 43%. (Some EU countries such as Switzerland and Germany have impressive glass recycling rates of 90%.)

Aldi's decision to come up with a more environmentally friendly wine bottle is reflective of the priorities of the store, as well as of its shoppers.

"Shoppers are striving to become more sustainable in their everyday lives, looking for small ways to make a big difference for our planet," said Aldi UK buying managing director Julie Ashfield.

Other recent Aldi initiatives to improve sustainability include a line of chocolate bars that used responsibly sourced cocoa beans, eliminating plastic bags in its stores, and a monitoring system that allows customers to track plastic they recycle through the store.

It's not just Aldi that is making these types of changes, either. Sustainable packaging is a growing trend, as brands are pressured by the public to reduce the amount of waste they create.

Other recent examples include a British company that created a biodegradable chip bag, a Netherlands-based chain store that uses plant-based packaging, and a new type of packaging made from rice husks.

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