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Home cook shares brilliant method to make use of long-forgotten stale bread: 'Mind blown'

"I always freeze and forget them, too."

"I always freeze and forget them, too."

Photo Credit: Instagram

We've all left bread out just a little too long, but even if it's stale, it's not a lost cause. 

United Kingdom-based sustainable living author and Instagram user Nancy (@nancy.birtwhistle) shared an easy, delicious way to use that bread you forgot about. 

The scoop

You could make ordinary breadcrumbs or what Nancy likes to call "golden breadcrumbs." These are finer than traditional breadcrumbs and can coat foods such as fish fingers, fishcakes, and scotch eggs. 

"I know I can make breadcrumbs — chop it up, blitz it, put it in a freezer bag, and keep it in the freezer. The only trouble is, well, two things. One: I forget they're there. And secondly, I quite like golden breadcrumbs," she says in the video.

To make them, grab your bread and slice it into chunks, including the crust. Next, mix the pieces in a food processor until they're finely blended, and add one teaspoon each of paprika and turmeric. 

Blend them again, then pour the breadcrumbs onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Spread them out evenly and bake them at 100 degrees Celsius (212 Fahrenheit) for two to three hours.

Nancy says they should feel crisp and dry when you take them out and not stick to your hands. Once cooled, place them back in the food processor, and blend into fine crumbs. Pour them into a glass jar and store them in a cool, dry place for up to six months. 

Nancy mentioned that you could also dry the breadcrumbs over a wood-burning stove overnight or a radiator if you don't have an oven.

How it's helping

Since bread is the most wasted food item across the United States, this hack helps keep food out of landfills while helping you get more bang for your buck. It also means you won't have to buy breadcrumbs at the store, which is another major win for your wallet. 

Doing more with your leftovers can save you a whopping $120 a year on food, which equates to at least one week of groceries for some people. 

Using stale or expiring foods can also have a positive impact on the planet. 

Reducing food waste cuts down on the amount of water and energy used in agricultural production while also slashing methane gases in landfills.

Several companies can help you reduce food waste and save on grocery bills. For example, Too Good To Go, a company that offers surprise bags of leftover food from grocery stores, bakeries, and restaurants, can save customers up to 50%. 

Also, consider ordering groceries from Imperfect Foods, an affordable grocery delivery service that discounts unwanted produce and other foods.

What everyone's saying

Instagrammers loved the breadcrumb hack and shared some of their own recipes.

"That's [a] fantastic alternative to boring old breadcrumbs," one person said.

"I had no idea you could store these in a jar in the cupboard!! I always freeze and forget them, too," another grateful viewer added.

"Mind blown, thank you!" someone else shared.

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