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Retired couple praised after making decision over fate of 40-acre lot: 'We thought it was important'

"We can still walk on the land and enjoy the land …"

"We can still walk on the land and enjoy the land ..."

Photo Credit: iStock

One couple recently decided that a chunk of their land was better off in the hands of the Nature Trust of Nova Scotia. 

Retired Canadian couple Wayne and Bertha (Birdie) Fiddes decided to donate about 40 acres of land to protect it from being developed in the future. 

"So much of the land in Nova Scotia has been cut over and there is not as much space for varying species like red coyotes and birds, so we thought it was important to donate some land," Birdie said, according to CBC News.

The land is a mix of wetland and forest located just east of the Kejimkujik National Park near Pleasant River. It's an important stretch of land due to its diverse species of plants and animals, many of which are at-risk or endangered, including Blanding's turtles, olive-sided flycatchers, and wrinkled shingle lichen — and who wants to live in a world void of species with fun names like wrinkled shingle lichens? 

Executive director of the Nova Scotia Nature Trust Bonnie Sutherland told CBC News that the land is "part of what's considered one of Canada's 11 priority places for conservation because of its incredibly rich biodiversity." 

The Fiddes' contribution continues a beautiful trend of people donating private property for conservation purposes. One Texas couple donated a conservation easement on their 531 acres of land — meaning they can still use the land, but it will never be developed with subdivisions or stores — and a North Carolina resident donated 120 acres of land to the Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina in 2021. 

These nature heroes are playing a vital role in protecting our natural world. Human activities are destroying habitats around the globe, endangering thousands of species. Not only that, but when we replace areas like wetlands and forests with buildings and streets, we are drastically reducing our planet's ability to cool itself, resulting in increasing temperatures and more extreme weather events. 

Not everyone has vast tracts of land to give away, but anyone can still make a difference by donating to climate causes

As for Wayne and Birdie, they're just happy knowing they could preserve their little corner of the world for generations to come. 

"We can still walk on the land and enjoy the land, just not damage it in any way," Birdie said. "It's still there and it will always be there, so anyone can enjoy it."

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