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Mother shares genius hack for removing stubborn sticker labels and leftover residue: 'This is so smart'

"I use them to store fresh and dry produce like carrots, peaches, beans, and for decor."

“I use them to store fresh and dry produce like carrots, peaches, beans, and for decor."

Photo Credit: @luluspov / TikTok

Trying to save and reuse your glass jars always sounds like a great idea until you try to take the sticker off and get stuck with the leftover residue. One TikTok mom shared an easy hack to get it off — leaving you with jars you can use for years to come. 

How it works 

The TikToker, Luluspov (@luluspov), posts cleaning hacks and ways to live waste-free, and her tip to clean up your used glass jars is just a few easy steps. 

First, you'll want to fill a bucket or your sink with water and dish soap to let your jars soak for a while. This should allow for the label to peel off pretty easily. 

For any leftover residue, coat the jar in coconut oil — but some users say that any type of oil works — and baking soda. Use a sponge to scrub any residue off with the baking soda. 

Afterward, rinse your jar, and you're good to go.

"I use them to store fresh and dry produce like carrots, peaches, beans, and for decor," the TikToker advised in the comments. 

@luluspov Let me know if you found this helpful. #luluspov #homemaker #upcycling ♬ As It Was - PREP

How it's helping 

Like the TikToker said, these jars are great for storing leftovers, produce, and more. In fact, glass jars can actually help to make some produce like lettuce and strawberries last even longer than usual. So now, instead of wasting money on Tupperware, you can use your leftover (label-free!) glass jars to store your food. 

Plus, the jars can be used for other purposes, too. They can act as drinking glasses, planters, and even containers for arts and crafts. And if you have kids, it's not as big of a deal if they accidentally break them as opposed to a nice set of glassware. 

Plus, reusing your glass jars helps out the environment in a big way. 

It takes over 4,000 years for glass to break down in a landfill, and the sharp edges can cause harm to wildlife if ingested. While glass can be fully recycled, only approximately 33% of glass thrown out in the U.S. gets recycled

With a hack like this, you'll be able to save money by purchasing less Tupperware and glassware while also keeping glass out of landfills — it's a win for everyone.

What everyone's saying 

Users were happy to see such an easy hack. "Nice! Just tried this," wrote one, and, "This is so smart," wrote another. 

Others were happy to share ideas for what to do with your newfound abundance of glass jars. One commenter wrote, "Peach canning and jam for me … [I] always [use them to] store my homemade atchar." 

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