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Homeowner questions whether HOA is retaliating against legal home additions: 'Why on Earth does the town care?'

"In the event that this was retaliation, you could fight your HOA on it."

"In the event that this was retaliation, you could fight your HOA on it."

Photo Credit: iStock

Solar panels provide a number of benefits to those who can install them, but homeowners associations are often against them. 

There are countless stories of HOAs that ban solar panels just after a resident requests them, send snippy, passive-aggressive letters, and more. Luckily, some homeowners have found ways to work around the rules — like the residents who placed solar panels on their deck after having them on the roof was vetoed. 

In Florida, HOAs are not allowed to have a say in whether you have solar panels or where you place them. However, one Redditor is questioning possible retaliation from their HOA toward solar panel owners. 

The Redditor described that the HOA had already tried to demand that a couple place their panels out of sight — indicating their distaste for the money-saving addition. 

The HOA typically offers free pressure cleaning for residents' roofs, but they announced that they would not offer this for houses with solar panels. The Redditor posted to the r/f***HOA subreddit to gather opinions as to whether it was a legitimate concern or if the HOA was retaliating. 

As it turns out, this seemed to be a valid concern. "I have solar. I would not have a generic pressure washing guy go up there and clean them," wrote one user, while another added: "That's a liability thing. The HOA doesn't want to be on the hook in case the pressure washer f**** something up with the panels." 

Another user had a good suggestion: "Get your own guy, someone with experience, and make sure your contract calls out damage to the solar panels as their responsibility," they wrote. 

In the event that this was retaliation, though, you could fight your HOA on it. If you were to do that, you'd want to follow this guide — being sure to do your research, contact the right board members, and remain friendly and respectful. 

Other users also had a valid question: "Why on earth does the town care to begin with?" 

HOAs care about clean roofs for the same reason they don't want solar panels: aesthetics

This, along with requirements to keep your roof sparkling clean, is a little unreasonable considering solar panels don't create polluting, planet-warming gases like non-renewable energy does, and they save thousands of dollars in utility bills while increasing property values. 

Hopefully, with time and consistent pushback, HOAs will get on board with the beneficial addition. 

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