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Homeowner receives passive-aggressive letter from neighbor after mowing lawn: 'That letter is going to do the complete opposite of what they expected'

"At no point has anyone bothered to approach me directly about the matter."

"At no point has anyone bothered to approach me directly about the matter."

Photo Credit: iStock

One Redditor shared a condescending message they received from a neighbor in the r/MildlyInfuriating subreddit with a picture of a letter that began with "CONGRATULATIONS!" in all caps.

The writer noticed that original poster mowed for just the second time that year before sarcastically asking if they could "keep it up" and mow once or twice a week.

"At no point has anyone bothered to approach me directly about the matter."
Photo Credit: Reddit

"Your neighbors would be grateful if your house did not look like it was abandoned," the letter ended. 

The homeowner provided some context in the thread, stating that they had been solely responsible for the care of a newborn and a 5-year-old for a few months as their wife was recovering from postpartum complications in the hospital. That made maintaining their lawn the last thing on their mind.

"At no point has my yard been out of compliance with city or HOA ordinances, and at no point has anyone bothered to approach me directly about the matter," they added. "Instead, we just received this anonymous passive-aggressive letter in the mail. They even postmarked it and sent it through the mail, rather than walking a few doors down and speaking to me like a human being."

A user joked that the letter might backfire, writing: "That letter is going to do the complete opposite of what they expected. back to once a year it is."

The OP replied that city ordinances require yards to stay below 8 inches, and hiring a lawn service is too expensive. 

Reddit is littered with similar stories of a nosy neighbor overstepping their boundaries — sometimes quite literally. One user was bothered by their neighbor for participating in No Mow May, which supports pollinators by allowing wildflowers to bloom. 

A commenter from the original post suggested adding a sign in their yard that they were participating in the movement. 

Another person hinted at a natural lawn, which can save money, limit water usage, and help pollinators.

Some proposed that the homeowner purchase some grazing animals, which would accomplish the task of trolling the person who wrote the letter while being eco-friendly.

"I'd do what other commenters are saying and get some goats or sheep if possible. Do something that would piss your neighbors off but isn't illegal or against your HOA/city rules," someone wrote.

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