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Seasoned gardener shares 'natural' hack for ridding garden of pests: 'Definitely the way to go'

"So helpful!"

"So helpful!"

Photo Credit: TikTok

Pests, such as aphids and mites, can wreak havoc in your garden, spreading across species and hindering plant growth. 

However, sustainability influencer Sabrina (@sabrina.sustainable.life) is showing gardeners they can use an effective natural remedy to keep pesky critters away. With her cheap and easy hack, you can prevent pests while also supporting the growth of your garden.

The scoop

Planting different herbs throughout your garden can help repel pests. Sabrina suggests planting herbs such as thyme, mint, rosemary, lavender, basil, or lemongrass to deter pests and encourage healthy plant growth

@sabrina.sustainable.life Reply to @newlifestyle here's an eco-friendly way to repel pests in your garden 🐛 #gardening #gardening101 #naturalgardening #pests #ecofriendly ♬ Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) - Kate Bush

Plant your choice of herbs wherever you have space near plants afflicted with pests. The strong smell of the fragrant herbs will keep pests away

"Many herbs have a strong aroma, making them a great companion plant for natural pest control," says Sabrina. "I planted some thyme next to my kale, and I'm hoping it will keep the pests away for good."

By planting some herbs throughout your garden, you can repel pesky critters without using toxic pesticides. 

How it's helping

Natural remedies like Sabrina's herb hack are helping gardeners promote plant growth without using harsh chemicals to deter unwanted insects. Pesticides contain toxic ingredients that are not only harmful to the environment, but are also dangerous to humans when the exposure level is high. 

Tending a garden supports both your mental and physical health, by reducing stress levels and promoting an active lifestyle. According to a 2020 study, individuals who gardened reported having higher levels of optimism, well-being, and self-esteem.

Growing your own herbs and produce is also a great way to save money on groceries. By supplying your own fruits and vegetables, you also reduce your overall environmental impact by decreasing the need for mass-produced, globally shipped food.

What everyone's saying 

TikTokers were grateful to discover a safe, nontoxic method for preventing garden pests.

"So helpful!" responded one user. "Glad to see an eco-friendly way that avoids harmful chemicals."

"I remember my grandpa mentioning this," commented another TikToker. "Definitely the way to go!!"

"More tips please! I love these," wrote one user.

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