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Garden center worker reveals mistake you may be making with your favorite fall flowers: 'They just die on my front porch'

The video was shared on the Miller Flowers Garden Center Instagram account, which has over 68,000 followers.

The video was shared on the Miller Flowers Garden Center Instagram account, which has over 68,000 followers.

Photo Credit: @millerflowersgreenhouse/ Instagram

Mums are a popular fall plant for doorsteps and homes everywhere. One garden center is sharing why your mums might be looking a bit sad this time of year and how to revive them rather than just tossing them out. 

The scoop

The video was shared on the Miller Flowers Garden Center (@millerflowersgreenhouse) Instagram account. The narrator explains that mums start to shrivel up and show signs of death when they don't get enough water. "A phrase heard often, 'They just die on my front porch,'" they wrote in the caption.

"Mums love water, and we recommend watering your mums every day," the video explains. 

The narrator goes on to say that the right amount of water for mums is reached when it starts to drain through the bottom of the container. "Mums need more water than a cup of water each day. Make sure that the entire plant is fully saturated with water," they added in the caption. 

How it's helping

Mums are a popular doorstep plant, and when the plant starts showing signs of death, many people's first instinct is to throw it out. Not only does this cost a ton of money in discarded plants, but it's also a waste of the resources needed to grow the plant. 

Simply watering your plant isn't always enough, you should also focus on showering the roots with water rather than just the top. And if you're not the type of person to remember to water your plants every day, you might try setting up a system with a rain barrel to help divert water from running off into the streets and instead channel it to flow to your thirsty pants. 

What everyone's saying

Other viewers were impressed by the simple hack to revive their plants. "Heading over to water my mums now lol," one user shared. 

The garden center also went on to explain in the comments section that if the plant looks dead, you can trim back the dead growth to reveal the green underside. However, this might prevent the plant from blooming back — and it may require you to start with a new plant. But with a tip as simple as this, we recommend trying it to keep your mums looking lush for autumn. 

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