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Gardener shares creative space-saving method to grow carrots: 'Didn't think of this'

"There is so much more to these veggies than you might think!"

"There is so much more to these veggies than you might think!"

Photo Credit: TikTok

Wanting to grow a garden but not having the space to do so can be incredibly frustrating. There are some indoor growing tips, but they can be fairly limited. One gardener on TikTok showed an innovative way to grow carrots at home with just a shoe box.

The scoop

TikToker Simon Akeroyd (@simonakeroydgardener) shares plenty of helpful garden tips for your home. We have shared his amazing hacks before, from pulling weeds to growing herbs and harvesting strawberry seeds.

@simonakeroydgardener Space saver! Grow carrots in shoeboxes or fruit crates. #repurpose #reuse #recycle I'm growing short, round or ball-shaped carrots (variety called Rondo) which are ideal for containers, or shallow soil. You may need to tie string around the shoe box to keep the carboard from falling apart. #gardening #growyourown #growyourgroceries #spacesavingideas ♬ Don't Look Back In Anger - Oasis

In a clip aimed at optimizing space, Simon shows viewers how to grow carrots in shoe boxes or wooden crates. To grow in these small boxes, the creator says to start by lining them with old bags that your compost, dirt, or fertilizer came in and make some drainage holes. The next step is to "fill with peat-free compost." While Simon recommends this type of soil, any nutrient-rich dirt would likely work. 

Next comes the carrot seeds; Akeroyd shows a type of carrot that is likely unfamiliar to many — a round, ball-shaped carrot. This carrot style is small and compact, making it possible to grow in smaller containers. 

"When you think of this common root vegetable, what comes to mind first is probably the bog-standard orange variety. But there is so much more to these veggies than you might think!" explained Gardener's Path, noting that there are 13 different carrot varieties. The ball-shaped carrots are called Parisian heirloom. 

Carrot seeds are very small, so Akeroyd sows them by simply spreading and gently pressing them into the soil. Once the seedlings start coming up, he recommends thinning them to about an inch apart. The clip ends by telling viewers to follow along to see how these carrots grow. 

How it's helping

Growing food at home is a great way to save money and cut back your trips to the grocery store. This tip is aimed at limited space, so you are unlikely to save quite as much as someone with a larger backyard gardener. According to our guide, growing 300 pounds of produce will save you around $600 a season, so even if you can only grow 10 pounds, you can still save $20. 

In addition to the money-saving benefits, gardening has also been proven to reduce stress. According to a study from 2021: "People who garden every day have wellbeing scores 6.6% higher and stress levels 4.2% lower than people who do not garden at all … gardening on a frequent basis — at least two to three times a week — corresponded with greatest perceived health benefits."

Growing your own food is a great way to increase your fiber intake and is a convenient way to stay healthy and active as well.

Moreover, by growing your own produce, you contribute to reducing the environmental impact of mass-produced and globally shipped produce. This not only lessens the demand for store-bought foods but also helps cut down on carbon pollution associated with transportation.

What people are saying

This carrot hack for small spaces was well-received by commenters. 

One person simply said, "Didn't think of this but thank you!" 

Another home gardener wrote, "I've never heard of round carrots before!!"

Someone additionally commented, "I was gonna pop mine straight into the ground, but shoebox here we come."

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