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This home appliance could cut your energy bills by 30% — and the government will help you buy one

Qualifying Americans could get thousands in rebates when they buy mini-splits thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act.

An EG4 heat pump

Photo Credit: iStock

Inflation has been on many Americans' minds lately, as trips to the store and gas pump become more burdensome.

To help ease the pain of rising energy costs, Americans have decided to install millions of heat pumps that can heat and cool at a fraction of the cost of traditional temperature control systems. 

And with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), buying a heat pump is cheaper than ever, with thousands of dollars available in the form of rebates and tax credits for Americans looking to upgrade their home heating systems.

EG4 Electronics remains a popular brand for all sorts of electrical products. But do they sell heat pumps?

💡Save thousands with a heat pump

A heat pump can save you thousands of dollars in heating and cooling costs — but first you have to find the right installer at the right price.

Use EnergySage's free tool today to find local options, compare prices, and see how much you can save.


EnergySage | Heat Pumps

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Does EG4 sell heat pumps?

Yes! Two models of EG4 heat pumps are available through the Signature Solar website. Both are designed to be energy efficient and reliable, so you can trust that your investment will pay off in the long run.

What are the options for EG4 heat pumps?

Both available EG4 models are "mini-split" heat pumps, which, unlike larger heat pumps, don't require changes to your home's ductwork. This also helps make them cheaper to install and can help with individual rooms that are too warm or cold.

The first option is the 12,000 BTU EG4 Hybrid AC/DC Solar Mini Split Air Conditioner Heat Pump. This heat pump is excellent at heating and cooling and operates well between 14℉ and 136℉. This model starts at $1,299 and also excels at heating homes powered by solar panels.

The other available model is the 24,000 BTU version of the same mini-split, so essentially, a more powerful version of the 12,000 BTU model. This extra oompf accounts for the higher $1,999 price.

Energy efficiency and upfront savings

But no matter which model of EG4 heat pump you go for, you can expect to improve your home's energy efficiency. Mini-splits could reduce both your heating and cooling costs by as much as 30%.

For many Americans, despite the short payback period, the upfront cost of either $1,300 or $2,000 is too much. However, through the IRA, qualifying Americans can get up to $8,000 off when they perform energy-saving upgrades and buy mini-splits like the ones above.

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