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Energetic grandma travels the country delivering a crucial message to at-risk communities: 'More than happy to listen'

"She is also feisty and fierce."

Climate Nan, Grandma travels the country delivering a crucial message to at-risk communities

Photo Credit: Suffolknews

The United Kingdom found a new way to show that anything goes with a nice, hot cuppa, and this time it was conversations about the effects of Earth's rising temperatures with their very own "Climate Nan." 

Climate Nan was joined by the We Are Here campaign, and their combined mission was to visit communities most likely to be impacted by the effects of our planet's overheating, like flooding and other extreme weather events. 

Climate Nan's caravan tour purposefully was synced with the passage of the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill through Parliament. 

Once the caravan was parked in these at-risk communities, residents were invited to have a cup of tea with Nan while they shared their personal experiences or concerns, learned what can be done about the climate issues affecting them, and even wrote messages on specially designed postcards that will be shared with members of Parliament.

Naomi Luhde-Thompson from Rights Community Action explained to Suffolk News that legislation like the Levelling-Up Bill provides opportunities for a safer future to those living in areas most at risk of the effects of our changing climate by requiring climate-resilient development for communities.

With this in mind, the end goal of the Climate Nan caravan was to pressure the government to make necessary adaptations to the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill that would ensure Earth's changing climate and its effects are considered when making all planning decisions.

As is, campaign organizers said the bill "weakens the voices of local residents and fails to create a strengthened legal requirement to address the climate crisis through planning," as reported by Suffolk News.

As the caravan's tour wrapped up, Luhde-Thompson told Suffolk News that it served "as a call to arms for people to encourage their MPs to push for the necessary changes to the bill in Parliament." 

Climate Nan showed people that their voices matter and their actions count. Like Nan, we can all pressure our representatives to take action to ensure that our communities will be protected from the effects of the overheating of our planet. 

In the same Suffolk News article, Edie Gill Holder, a campaign manager at Glimpse, a collective of people dedicated to change, said: "Climate Nan is kind and comforting, more than happy to listen to residents talk about their planning and climate change-related concerns. But she is also feisty and fierce and will have no problem taking their concerns right to the very top of government."

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