With one hack, this Redditor said they transformed their southern California yard in just two years — and they have pics to prove it.
The Redditor shared their progress in r/Permaculture, a community dedicated to land management that imitates natural ecosystems to create permanent, self-sustaining landscaping. According to their account, they're closer than ever to that goal.
"Just wanted to share the difference mulch has made in my backyard!" said the Redditor. "I'm in southern California, and I've been getting mulch delivered for free for two years now."

They then shared two photos — one from when they moved in, and one from two years later. The "before" photo shows bare dirt and dry, ground-hugging weeds covering most of the Redditor's yard.
"The soil was absent of life and was compacted," they said.
In the "after" photo, a thick layer of mulch covers the ground. Young trees are scattered across the area — so many, and so thick with leaves, that they almost hide the buildings in the background. "Now our yard is thriving!" the Redditor said.
"Permaculture can be as simple as introducing organic matter and appropriate plantings to a site that lacks these things," said an approving Redditor. "I'm assuming you got a tree service to dump chips at your place?"
"Yeah! Local tree trimming company, they dump when their truck is full," the original poster confirmed. "And they actually come and spread the piles too as a thank you for letting them dump mulch in our yard."
As the Royal Horticultural Society explains, mulch keeps down weeds and adds nutrients to the soil. It also helps the ground retain water, so you don't need to water your established plants as often.
"My trees are growing so fast, and I've already hit a point where I haven't watered any of the trees in this picture all year!" said the Redditor.
That's one reason mulch is such a common element in water-saving yard transformations, like this flowery no-lawn yard and this money-saving garden.
"Excellent work! I'm really impressed. It's so beautiful to [see] land that was almost lifeless begin to thrive!" said one user. "You have done great work."
"Congratulations! That is really amazing," said another commenter. "Is this high or low desert?"
"I'm not quite the desert I think!" replied the original poster. "I'm inland just below Temecula. So brutal summers, but wet winters."
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