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School's revolutionary design sparks global interest from architects — here's why

This school is part of a new design movement seeking to make buildings a non-intrusive part of the environment.

This school is part of a new design movement seeking to make buildings a non-intrusive part of the environment.

Photo Credit: AIA

The American Institute of Architects showcased a gorgeous new design for Nueva School's Science and Environmental Center in Hillsborough, California. Not only is it a beautiful use of the space that works with the terrain and the existing trees, but the center's award-winning construction was designed to make up for 100% of the carbon air pollution it produced, the AIA reports.

A lot of modern buildings are expensive and hard on the environment. They rely heavily on concrete, which is energy- and resource-intensive and contributes to carbon pollution — about 7% of the world's yearly total. Standard buildings are also poorly insulated, so once they're built, they continue using a lot of energy, This costs money and creates pollution.

Environmentally conscious architects have been hard at work on alternatives like passive houses and safer concrete to make construction better for the Earth.

The Science and Environmental Center is part of a new design movement seeking to make buildings a non-intrusive part of the environment. It houses eight science labs, plus indoor and outdoor spaces for instruction, the AIA explains.

The design is narrow and curves to fit the hillside underneath, so less excavation was needed to build the center. The narrow floor plan also gets as much natural light and ventilation as possible for the classrooms, lowering energy costs.

If the building needs any heating or cooling, it uses an electric heat pump for maximum energy savings. The building is all-electric and gets its electricity from solar panels, and it is designed with water-saving features to reduce water use by 89%.

Nueva School didn't just build an eco-friendly building. It also restored the native plants in the surrounding lot, creating a natural habitat for local wildlife such as deer, coyotes, and birds. The plants also help prevent soil erosion, protecting the site.

As the AIA said in its assessment of the project, "The new net zero carbon Science and Environmental Center is the embodiment of The Nueva School's mission to spark a passion for lifelong learning and foster social acuity and environmental citizenship in the imaginative young minds of its students."

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