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Nesquik makes major change to its iconic chocolate milk bottles: 'Helping chart a path to a circular economy'

"It's exciting to see Nesquik at the forefront of this packaging innovation."

"It's exciting to see Nesquik at the forefront of this packaging innovation."

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Good news for chocolate milk lovers and the planet: Nesquik, the iconic brand known for its powdered chocolate drink, among other products, has unveiled a new packaging solution that's kinder to the environment. 

As reported by Packaging World, the product's familiar shrink-sleeve labels are now made from 100% recyclable material, a small step toward a more sustainable future.

For years, the shrink-sleeve labels on Nesquik bottles have posed a recycling challenge, per the reporting. These labels often contain materials that can't be processed alongside plastic bottles, making it difficult for consumers to recycle the entire package. 

However, after five years of research and development, Nesquik has introduced a revolutionary new shrink-sleeve label made from fully recyclable materials, as Packaging World reported. This design retains the vital functionality of light-blocking, which helps to protect the quality and freshness of the milk. 

Not only does the shift simplify the recycling process for consumers by allowing the entire package to be tossed into the recycling bin, but it also reduces Nesquik's environmental footprint.

That said, the packaging still must be placed in a recycling bin by the consumer and then also properly processed and recycled, with both steps of that process often failing. According to Greenpeace, plastic recycling in general has been unsuccessful, with only about 5% being recycled properly, and the best solution to reducing plastic waste is the "reduce" part of "reduce, reuse, recycle."

Plastic waste is a major environmental issue, contributing to pollution and creating long-lasting landfill problems. By adopting recyclable materials, Nesquik will at least make it easier to recycle their bottles for consumers, while making a small positive step against the detrimental effects of plastic waste on the environment.

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, around 36% of produced plastics are used in packaging, including single-use food and beverage containers. Of this, approximately 85% ends up in landfills or as unregulated waste.

"Our beverage division continues to be a leader in delivering high-quality, innovative products for our consumers, while also driving progress on Nestlé's sustainability ambitions," said Daniel Jhung, president of Nestlé USA's beverage division, in a press release. "It's exciting to see Nesquik at the forefront of this packaging innovation. Making our products easier to recycle is important to our customers and consumers, and a key step in helping chart a path to a circular economy for packaging." 

Initiatives like this by Nesquik and other companies making similar sustainable swaps demonstrate how innovation can go hand in hand with environmental responsibility. This exciting development paves the way for a more sustainable future for the beverage industry.

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