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Capri-Sun debuts massive change to its iconic drink pouches: 'A catalyst for the industry'

Opting for products with greener packaging, like Capri-Sun's new pouches, is a small change that can add up to a big positive impact.

Opting for products with greener packaging, like Capri-Sun's new pouches, is a small change that can add up to a big positive impact.

Photo Credit: iStock

Capri-Sun is switching to more sustainable packaging — and it's a win-win for people and the planet. 

The beloved juice drink company just announced a new fully recyclable pouch that will replace its current packaging across Europe in the coming years, according to Food Manufacture.

This exciting change marks a big step toward Capri-Sun's goal of becoming "the most natural and sustainable kids drink in the world." The new pouch, made from mono polypropylene, has a 25% lower carbon impact than the current version. Even better, it weighs just a fifth of comparable disposable bottles and is designed to be recycled through a dropoff at most large supermarket locations.

By making the switch, Capri-Sun estimates it will prevent many tons of used pouches from clogging up landfills each year. That means cleaner communities and a healthier environment for everyone.

The recyclable packaging will first roll out in the UK in Capri-Sun's apple flavor and its orange and blackcurrant flavor. New 330 milliliter pouches with a tethered, reclosable cap will also save 14% more material than the previous design. The company, which licenses its juice brand to Kraft under the name "Capri Sun" without a hyphen in North America, did not comment on when or if the upgraded pouch would be coming to the other side of the Atlantic.

Opting for products with greener packaging, like Capri-Sun's new pouches, is a small change that can add up to a big positive impact. Roland Weening, CEO of Capri-Sun Group, said the recyclable pouches "will offer consumers the same convenience they know and love, but with a significantly lower CO2 footprint than any other common beverage packaging."

Alice Harlock, head of technical and member services at On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL), the non-for-profit that granted Capri-Sun its front-of-store recyclable designation, had similar sentiments: "The launch of Capri-Sun's recyclable pouch will be a catalyst for the industry, as well as benefiting consumers and the environment. 

"OPRL research shows that, despite the cost-of-living crisis, recycling is still important for consumers, and we are delighted to have assisted Capri-Sun on the journey to full recyclability."

Consumers who care about reducing waste can vote with their dollar, so to speak, and aim to support eco-friendly brands and product changes like this one. When corporations hold themselves accountable by leading the way on sustainability, it reminds us that everyday choices can create meaningful change — without compromising on the drinks and snacks we enjoy.

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