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Shopper stunned to discover original price tag hidden inside thrifted dress: 'I feel like I won the lottery!'

"Wow! Go you!"

“Wow! Go you!”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Thrifters are known for finding hidden treasures, but this thrifter found literal treasure: a dress by Dolce and Gabbana worth more than $1,000 that they purchased for just $18 due to an error in pricing. 

The Redditor mentioned that the tag with the brand name and the original price was tucked in the dress, and they assumed that the staff didn't see it when they were sorting through items. 

The original dress sells for $1,250, and a used version is listed at $600. What makes the find even more perfect is that the Redditor says the dress fits impressively well. 

"I feel like I won the lottery!" the Redditor wrote. 

If this counts as winning the lottery, then it might be more commonplace than you'd think. Other thrifters have found high-value items, like a $1,500 Brooks Brothers coat and a wedding dress for just $20

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Overall, thrifting can save shoppers an average of $1,700 per year, according to one report. This makes it a great option for shopping on a budget — whether it's because you're trying to save up, or because your child outgrows their clothing each season and it's a cheaper way to replace their wardrobe. Just remember, once the clothes no longer fit, they can be resold or donated to be reused again.

Even if you're not the shopping or thrifting type, there are companies that will send you curated boxes of used clothing — allowing you the same luxury of great pieces for a low price. 

Plus, saving your money with secondhand clothing is also a great way to curb your environmental impact. 

The number of times that clothing is worn before being tossed has been decreasing, and clothing is now the top source of textile waste. To keep up with this demand, the garment industry creates 100 billion pieces of clothing each year — polluting the Earth's air and water in the process. 

Saving some money each year by thrifting even just a portion of your clothes will mean less demand and less clothing in landfills. Plus, you never know what items will be accidentally priced wrong and where you'll find a great deal. 

Other Redditors were thrilled for the original poster. "You did win the lottery!!! Congratulations," wrote one user, while others added, "Wow! Go you!" and, "Awesome find!" 

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