• Food Food

Gardener reveals simple hack for getting an endless supply of lettuce from your garden: 'Why did I never think of this?'

This hack ensures that you'll have fresh lettuce within arms reach all season long.

Lettuce hack

Photo Credit: @themodernnonna / Tiktok

One TikToker is changing the game with a hack to help your lettuce keep regrowing all season long. 

The scoop 

A TikToker named Sneji (@themodernnonna), who goes by The Modern Nonna, posts a number of food videos — featuring delicious-looking recipes and easy hacks for your garden. And one of her recent videos for growing lettuce has been earning lots of attention.

@themodernnonna Lettuce Tip — Don't ever pull it from the root #gardening #garden #gardeninghacks ♬ original sound - THEMODERNNONNA

"This is the only lettuce hack and tip you need this summer," she says in the clip. 

The TikToker illustrates using a knife to cut the lettuce approximately an inch or two above where it hits the soil as opposed to pulling the whole thing out, including the roots. 

If you harvest your lettuce this way, it will begin to grow back in just a week or so — meaning you'll have fresh lettuce all season.

Commenters had a variety of tips to add. One suggested that instead of cutting the lettuce, you can pick the leaves from the outside in, which allows the plant to continue regrowing in the center. Another mentioned that using a plastic lettuce knife will ensure the lettuce left on the freshly trimmed plant won't turn brown. 

"In a week or two it will continue to grow new leaves … and it's just as good," the TikToker adds in her clip. 

How it's helping

This hack ensures that you'll have fresh lettuce within arm's reach all season long. Plus, produce prices were still rising as of this spring, so the more money that you can save by growing it yourself, the easier that next grocery trip will be on your wallet.

Plus, a decrease in the demand for grocery store produce with this hack is also good for the environment. 

The agricultural industry makes up over a tenth of the world's toxic, planet-warming gases, according to a report from the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. 

What everyone's saying 

Some commenters couldn't believe what they were hearing. 

"Why did I never think of this?" one asked.

Others offered up additional ideas.

"I do this with green onions," one wrote, while another said, "I just did this with romaine I bought it from the store —  just cut it a couple inches from the bottom and put it in a dish with a little water it regrows in the house."

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