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Video of entitled tourist ignoring warnings for close-up photos of moose sparks outrage online: 'Some folks think the rules aren't for them'

Unfortunately, risky, disrespectful behavior is becoming all too common in nature.

Unfortunately, risky, disrespectful behavior is becoming all too common in nature.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Photographers are always pushing the limits to get the perfect angle, but one touron (tourist + moron) at Yellowstone National Park took it a little too far. 

The Instagram account Tourons of Yellowstone (@touronsofyellowstone) recently shared a video of a reckless tourist ignoring park rules and tempting fate to get close-up photos of three moose resting in the snow. 

The video shows a photographer getting dangerously close to the large mammals, seemingly unaware of the potentially deadly consequences.

"This touron walked out to 3 bedded moose in Lamar Valley who immediately stood up when they saw him approach. When the moose stood up the touron backed up a bit but stayed to get more pictures. We also saw him driving off road in his suv rental. We spoke to him about the park rules and found out he was a Russian tourist," the caption on the photo read. 

No matter where you're from, it's crucial to use common sense when interacting with wildlife and the environment to keep yourself, other humans, and the animals safe. Yellowstone offers general safety guidelines in 10 different languages, including Russian, on its website to protect visitors. 

Unfortunately, risky, disrespectful behavior is becoming all too common in nature, from these tourists who took photos right near volcanic vents at Yellowstone to people entering a restricted area in Hawai'i where endangered monk seals were resting. 

The National Park Service advises Yellowstone visitors to "stay at least 100 yards (91 m) away from bears and wolves, and at least 25 yards (23 m) away from all other animals, including bison and elk." 

Having a healthy respect for wildlife and the natural world ensures a positive experience for you, other sightseers, and park rangers who help conserve the ecosystem. In addition, giving animals space prevents them from possibly being euthanized if they attack or injure humans who come too close. It's up to humans to educate themselves on the proper and safe way to interact with nature and wildlife. 

People in the comments couldn't believe the audacity and carelessness of the photographer.

"Some folks think the rules aren't for them," one commenter said, adding a few angry face emojis.

"They don't read the rule[s] but maybe if we tell them they are responsible for their own medical bills here in America they will stop," another said jokingly.

"The Park has been thin on LE [rangers] for quite some time and really relies on people exercising common sense and self-regulation by visitors. Walking out to [a] moose for a photograph (or any reason) is just about one of the dumbest things anyone can do," another wrote. 

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