A new video shows selfish tourists getting dangerously close to elk for a photo opportunity.
In a new post from the Tourons of Yellowstone account (@touronsofyellowstone), numerous tourists are seen approaching a herd of elk with massive antlers from just a few feet away, all so they can snap photos on their phones.
Getting too close to dangerous animals can obviously have negative consequences on tourists if they're attacked — but that's not even the biggest problem.
By approaching wild animals from an unsafe distance, tourons (tourist morons) like the ones in the video disrupt the creatures' natural instincts by making them too comfortable with humans This can lead the animals into more dangerous situations with too many people and vehicles that could harm them and also may disrupt their ability to search for food. And if an animal attacks a human or poses a threat to an area with people, it might be euthanized.
Additionally, unsafe encounters such as the one in the video cause stress for the animals, for fellow tourists who aren't doing anything wrong, and for the park rangers and other employees who work in national parks.
Visiting national parks and other natural wonders is a healthy way to cultivate an appreciation for nature, and it can lead to enhanced education and a deeper connection to the environment which is essential for climate activism. But approaching natural environments in the wrong way, like the one depicted in the video, can have more negative effects than positive ones.
Tourons have also recently been captured taking selfies with bears, crowding bison, and taunting moose.
Users sounded off about the tourons' actions in the comment section.
"Wouldn't you feel a little creeped out if a crowd of people gathered to watch you wade in a pond in your birthday suit?" one user wrote.
"They're boxing in these animals. They're unable to go anywhere and are showing stress," another user commented.
"These are actions of mindless, inconsiderate, or self-absorbed bubbles. Having no ability to use their brain, or no ambition to use their brain or unable to 'feel care,' or 'enough care' for these animals," a third user commented.
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