Leaving the car behind in favor of walking helps prevent dirty fuel pollution, can improve personal health and fitness, and can even reduce your desire for sweet treats.
You'd also assume it means you won't be bothered by other motorists blocking the route to where you want to go, but unfortunately, that's not always the case.
One agitated pedestrian posted a picture to Reddit detailing their frustration while out for a walk.
"Walking in the road due to pavement parking," they captioned the image of cars parked on the sidewalk on both sides of the road, leaving minimal room to stroll.

While parking in such a way would benefit other motorists navigating narrow streets and reduce the likelihood of parked cars getting bumped or scratched in the process, pavements are made for pedestrians, not vehicles. Having to walk in the road because of a lack of space is exactly the problem that sidewalks should solve.
"Whenever I see photos like these it is obligatory for me to mention wheelchairs and blind people using canes, also think about small children who now have to walk on the road, or strollers," one Redditor pointed out. "This isn't just inconvenient, it's dangerous and puts vulnerable people at risk."Â
"To be honest this isn't just lack of consideration by drivers but also just the poor design of the streets and properties," added another.Â
When you consider that this picture was taken late at night, it makes the situation even more unsafe for those on foot — even with the presence of street lights.
It's enough to make you crave a car-free community. In Tempe, Arizona, a new development is said to be the first to ban car parking in a neighborhood "built from scratch" in the United States. The lack of vehicles means residents can take advantage of a large dog park and a pool, as well as clear, safe sidewalks.
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