A group of tourists took a page out of Goldilocks' book and got dangerously close to a family of bears. Specifically, the tourists disregarded park rules for a photo op with a mama bear and three cubs, and some of the tourists had children with them, too.
The incident, the likes of which has unfortunately become all too common, was shared in a post to the r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit.

"Multiple visitors, some with children, disregarding state park rules to take close up pictures of a momma bear and her three cubs," the poster wrote above a photo of the tourists taken from inside a car.
"And then if the bear attacks it has to be killed," commented one user.
This is undoubtedly a reality. Just like humans, animal mothers with their cubs are highly protective, and approaching them is the last thing you should do. Provoked or not, if they do attack or even exhibit aggressive behavior, they may be euthanized.
As far as viewing bears, the National Park Service states you should "Never approach, crowd, pursue, or displace" them, offering instead that binoculars and spotting scopes let you see them while keeping a safe distance.
It is a privilege to spend time in nature and experience what it has to offer, including encounters with those who call it home. Interactions with wildlife should lead to greater respect for and desire to protect it, not harassment of it.
Not only do interactions like this stress the animals, but they also make it difficult for others to connect with nature in a peaceful way. Sharing these instances and talking about them can go a long way toward creating a better understanding, leading to change.
Commenters on the post were understandably flummoxed and frustrated.
"Welp, they have no idea how fast a bear can move. That's up there with trying to pet a bison," said one.
"This is how people get mauled," added another. "Animals will act according to their nature and protect their young."
"DO NOT DO THIS," emphatically stated a third.
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