• Outdoors Outdoors

Reckless tourist sparks outrage after tempting fate for 'bear selfie': 'These aren't domesticated animals…'

Never approach, crowd, pursue or displace a bear.

Never approach, crowd, pursue or displace a bear.

Photo Credit: @touronsofyellowstone / Instagram

Another touron (that's tourist and moron) strikes again. This time, it's in the form of a man taking a video with a bear in the Tetons. Luckily, this tourist came out unscathed (we think). 

This video is just one in a long line of similar photos and videos showing tourists getting way too close to wildlife, endangering themselves and the animals they're "admiring."

This particular video was shared on Instagram by Tourons of Yellowstone (@touronsofyellowstone), a page dedicated to showing the bad behavior of some of Yellowstone's guests.  

"This touron stopped on a trail to make a bear video and take bear selfie pics at Jenny Lake in the Tetons," the caption explains. "The Grand Tetons have the same bear distancing rules of 100 yards."

The video shows what appears to be a brown bear munching on some foliage next to a hiking trail. The camera flips to show the delighted face of the tourist in question. Don't be this guy. 

First and foremost, getting this close to wild animals is incredibly unsafe. The wildlife we may see in places like national and state parks are just that — wild. And while animals who attack tourists for getting too close and threatening them are just doing what is in their nature, park authorities are often forced to euthanize animals that have been aggressive toward people. 

Protecting our natural resources, including being respectful of wildlife, is really at the core of protecting our planet. Millions of people travel to national parks across the U.S. each year to take in the beauty of the natural landscapes. For many, that includes hoping to catch a glimpse of the local wildlife. 

"If you see a bear on a trail, you should either turn around and go back or try to get by if you can," the caption of the video explains. "Use your best judgment based on the situation. Popping a squat right next to the bear is probably not the best idea."

And the caption is right. According to the National Park Service, the No. 1 and 2 rules for viewing bears are to respect a bear's space, and never approach, crowd, pursue or displace a bear… or everything that seems to be happening in this video. 

Commenters weren't impressed with this guy's antics either. 

"Can you imagine how annoyed this bear must be? He's just trying to enjoy some dandelions and then this [clown] happens along," one person said. 

"It's crazy how many tourists that grew up in cities think wildlife is safe to interact with," one person commented. "These aren't domesticated animals…"

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