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Startup develops technology that turns bones into protein-packed nuggets — and it could soon be vital to our food supply

"[The] Modern animal-based food system is obviously not the optimal way to produce food for the global population."

"Modern animal-based food system is obviously not the optimal way to produce food for the global population."

Photo Credit: SuperGround

Most people have heard of bone broth's nutritional benefits, but one startup is taking this concept up a notch in its efforts to reduce waste and harmful pollution.

As detailed by Euronews Green, Finnish company SuperGround has created an edible paste from bone that can be incorporated into a variety of food items.

"Hard tissues are great material for food and have approximately the same amount of protein and fat as minced meat," SuperGround founder and chief inventor Santtu Vekkeli told the outlet.

On its website, the company notes that fish and poultry products can be modified to contain between 20% and 40% of the proprietary mixture. Nuggets, kebabs, cold cuts, and patties are among the other items on the menu. Food yield was raised by as much as 70% in certain items.  

While the idea may initially sound unappealing to some, Vekkeli explained that SuperGround's methods don't negatively impact the texture, taste, or smell of the food. 

"Recipe changes are normal practice, and people accept them as long as the products have the same sensory and nutritional characteristics," he told Euronews Green, which pointed to advancements made with lab-grown meat and the increased interest in the benefits of insect protein in certain regions.   

The technology would also give the food sector another way to repurpose parts of the animal that might otherwise end up in landfills. It would also reduce the amount of land needed for livestock farming — an industry that has been linked to deforestation

"[The] modern animal-based food system is obviously not the optimal way to produce food for the global population," Vekkeli said, noting its toll on the environment. 

According to a study published in Nature, animal-based foods account for two times more heat-trapping pollution than plant-based items.

The rise of global temperatures linked to these excess gases has been a contributing factor to the growing issue of food insecurity, but cutting down on the volume of meat consumed could also open up land for other types of farming, as well as potentially provide an additional surplus to assist people struggling to get enough nutrition.

SuperGround, which was founded in 2021, began testing its bone-based paste three years ago and is now looking to expand by partnering with global food production companies.

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