While many thrifters pursue individual white whales in their shopping excursions, only some are lucky enough to actually find theirs. But for one lucky user on Reddit, they became one of the few to discover their dream-find while shopping — and at a jaw-dropping discount, no less.
In a post to Reddit's r/ThriftStoreHauls, the user posted pictures of their beloved "white whale" — a KitchenAid Stand Mixer — that they found while thrifting at a local Value Village. They were stunned to discover the popular kitchen appliance but came to an even greater shock after eyeing the price tag.

"$14.99 at Value Village," wrote the lucky thrifter. "Came with 3 attachments and looks like it works great."
A new KitchenAid Stand Mixer can be purchased for a slightly heftier price, usually anywhere between $229.99 and $449.95. Some quick math reveals this thrifter scored theirs 93-96% off.
Though white whale finds are rare, it isn't uncommon to see Reddit users sharing those finds at majorly discounted prices on r/ThriftStoreHauls. One user recently discovered their white whale — a 72-piece set of Blue Willow dishes — for $18.49 at a thrift store. Another user found a vintage Leica M3 camera for just $15.
Looking for a white whale of your own? Thrifting is likely the cheapest option. The same is true for everyday necessities, like shoes and clothing. Research has found that on average, secondhand shoppers can save almost $150 each month, or $1,760 a year.
Plus, secondhand shopping is much better for the environment. Thrifting helps vintage or shabby chic and perfectly functional goods from joining the 2.12 billion tons of waste that enter landfills every year. It also decreases demand for the overproduction of goods (many of which end up in landfills after just a few years of use) as well as pollution and toxic byproducts associated with the mass production of goods.
Thrifting is just one way to reduce one's environmental footprint on our one planet, and thrift store treasures shared to Reddit, like this one, continue to inspire those to make more sustainable choices, even if it's in the name of seeking out one's white whale for a discount.
Take it from the users who commented on the lucky KitchenAid thrifter's post, who were immediately galvanized to make their own white whale discoveries.
"I'm so happy for you," wrote one user.
"Most people take their mixers to the grave," commented one. "I know I'll be buried with mine."
"So jealous!" wrote another.
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