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Homeowner shares a simple way to optimize your refrigerator usage and make a dent in your energy bills: 'So helpful'

Saving energy is good for your wallet and for the planet.

Saving energy is good for your wallet and for the planet.

Photo Credit: TikTok

Everybody knows how to use a refrigerator, but did you know that there are ways you can optimize your refrigerator storage to use the smallest amount of energy, saving you money in the long run?

The scoop

TikTok account Energize Connecticut (@energizect) recently shared a video with some helpful tips for how you can pack your fridge for optimal energy usage.

@energizect Here's how to pack your fridge for optimal energy usage. #energyefficiency #homehacks #tipsandtricks #saveenergy ##energysavings #efficienthome ♬ original sound - Energize Connecticut

First, they recommended setting your refrigerator (if it's fancy enough to allow you to set a specific temperature) to the "optimal temperature" of 37-40 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, they recommended keeping your fridge full but not overcrowded to allow it to maintain a consistent temperature.

They also noted that you should keep items that need to be colder toward the back and items that don't need to be as cold toward the front.

And finally, the one fridge tip that most homeowners already know: Don't leave the fridge door open for too long.

How it's helping

Saving energy is good for your wallet and for the planet. Refrigerators contribute a surprising amount to the overheating of our planet, so while they are necessary appliances, we definitely want to use them in the most energy-efficient way possible.

🗣️ Which of these factors would most effectively motivate you to buy a refillable product?

🔘 Saving money 💰

🔘 Reducing plastic waste 🗑️

🔘 Using less shelf space at home 💁‍♀️

🔘 Getting easy refill deliveries 😎

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In December, the United States Department of Energy finalized new energy-efficiency rules and standards for residential refrigerators and freezers. The new standards, which require compliance by 2029 or 2030 from manufacturers, are projected to save Americans $36.4 billion and reduce around 111 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions over a 30-year span.

Other tips for using your refrigerator efficiently include checking the seal to make sure that it is working properly by not allowing cold air to leak out and using the sliders on the produce drawers to control the humidity according to what type of food you are storing, allowing you to minimize food waste.

What everybody is saying

The commenters on Energize Connecticut's TikTok post were grateful for the advice.

"So helpful. Love it," wrote one commenter.

"I'm following!!! Let's go!" wrote another.

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