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Homeowner receives call from HOA after posting about community project on social media: 'This feels good, guys!'

"Gotta feel good to have the HOA on board!"

"Gotta feel good to have the HOA on board!"

Photo Credit: iStock

A native plant enthusiast wanted to educate and excite their neighbors about the value of rewilding their yards, so they took matters into their own hands.

"Wanted to share a post of the installed little library I made," they wrote in the subreddit r/NativePlantGardening. "We had a visitor on the first day!"

The photo shows a handmade library box in what appears to be a common area of a housing complex. The library is stocked with books about native landscaping and biodiversity, from Aldo Leopold's "A Sand County Almanac" to the young reader's edition of Douglas Tallamy's "Nature's Best Hope."

"I went ahead and posted it on our neighborhood Facebook page … and I couldn't believe the response!" they continued. "I've already gotten a call from our HOA and am asked to do a presentation for April! This feels good, guys!"

In a follow-up post, the OP shared the staggering response their project had already received: 

"We've got an HOA meeting [to choose a date for] our community outreach partner from the forest preserves to come out and give an info session. … [We] had a conversation with another active member of a different neighborhood HOA. … [And] we met a couple dozen neighbors [who were interested]." 

Commenters were thrilled with the OP's success. 

"Huge respect to the people who plant native gardens but also reach out to the community and educate others, like you," one wrote. "It's one thing to provide for the wildlife but it's another to teach the community. It's hugely impactful."

"Gotta feel good to have the HOA on board! That's huge," another pointed out. "They are usually very picky about plants and trees."

It's true — most HOAs are notorious for their draconian policies that prevent pollinator-friendly native plant landscaping. Rewilded yards aren't just eco-friendly, however. They put a lot of money back in homeowners' wallets because they are low maintenance and require less water.  

Nevertheless, many people are optimistic that community-driven change is possible, especially as more people learn how important native plants are for everything from preventing food shortages to sequestering carbon. It's also possible to work with your HOA to create change. 

"My community has been a lot more receptive to policy changes this year … on equitable water use, green infrastructure, access to green spaces, and restoration projects," one person shared.

"The tide is turning on this movement. The tipping point is approaching," the OP agreed. "This movement can not only help heal the landscape, but it can be an anchor to your communities … Happy planting, folks!"

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