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Curious homeowner sparks debate after considering full kitchen remodel: 'A health risk for children'

According to a Stanford University study, the stove releases potent gases called nitric oxides when you're cooking.

According to a Stanford University study, the stove releases potent gases called nitric oxides when you're cooking.

Photo Credit: iStock

A homeowner on Reddit is closing on a home in Florida but sought help deciding how to remodel the kitchen when choosing between gas and induction

Many Redditors chimed in with the benefits of both but warned against the health risks that gas stoves have on children. 

The homeowner sought guidance on the r/Cooking subreddit, saying the house they just bought has a "very outdated 90s kitchen," and they plan on remodeling. 

The OP said, "Would you get a gas cooktop or an induction cooktop?" 

According to RMI, "the International Journal of Epidemiology found that children living in a home with a gas stove have a 42 percent increased risk of experiencing asthma symptoms." 

An International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health study found that 12.7% of current child asthma cases can be attributed to gas stoves. 

It's not just children's health that gas stoves are affecting. It's also harming the environment. According to a Stanford University study, the stove releases potent gases called nitric oxides when you're cooking, along with carbon dioxide. 

Additionally, when the stove isn't in use, it's slowly leaking another concerning gas: methane. The methane leaked from homes from a gas stove is comparable to the polluting gases released from "500,000 gasoline-powered cars."

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The University of Michigan also noted that "Gas stoves emit a variety of indoor air pollutants including nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and fine particulate matter."

Induction stoves, on the other hand, do not produce gases that harm children or the environment. They are also easier to clean, cook faster, and are more efficient. 

Induction stoves only heat the pan; the unit itself doesn't heat up. It does this through magnetism. Once you remove the cookware, the unit will be cool to the touch, which is also much safer for you and your children. Because the stovetop works this way, you have better temperature control. You can also boil water 50% faster than traditional stovetops. 

Induction brands with a built-in battery, such as Copper, are a good option when you are ready to make the switch. These stoves plug into a regular wall outlet behind your stove and use the battery for the extra power they need during cooking, making installing them simple. 

In the comments, Redditors had much to say about the health risks gas stoves pose to children. 

One user commented, "Gas pollutes the air in your kitchen and can cause asthma in children and pets."

Another summed it up well: "The highest end gas stoves still leak gases into the household when not in use, which is especially significant as a health risk for children and the elderly. Restaurant chefs who cook over a gas range suffer measurable health consequences."

They concluded by saying, "Let's just be modern humans and switch to induction when it isn't too much of a financial burden. Health is #1."

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