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Homeowner warned against using common yard landscaping technique with troublesome effects: 'It won't solve anything long term'

"You all might have just saved me $280."

"You all might have just saved me $280."

Photo Credit: iStock

A homeowner turned to the r/landscaping subreddit for advice on using a common landscaping material to create a barrier for a walkway in their garden. 

The poster inquired about using black plastic landscape edging for the project, but commenters were quick to warn against incorporating the problematic material. 

"I got this, and it's crap. Don't bother, you will also have you buy extra spikes," one commenter wrote

Putting plastic materials in your yard can be damaging for several reasons. 

While it's one of the most affordable options for edging (which the OP said was the main reason they considered it), it's often annoying and time-consuming to install and can easily come out of the ground, as Outback Landscape explained.

Plus, according to Grass Barrier, plastic edging isn't very durable and will likely need replacing every few years because consistent sun exposure causes it to crack or flake. 

Once it starts to disintegrate, you'll have to replace the edging and also deal with the hassle of cleaning up the tiny plastic fragments from your lawn, which can harm the plants, soil, and water nearby if plastics leach into the ground. 

Metal edging, paver stones, bricks, flagstones, small hedges, or even landscape timbers are much better, longer-lasting landscape edging options. 

If you want to upgrade your yard even more, consider installing a native or natural lawn full of low-maintenance grasses and flowers. These types of lawns can save you nearly $400 a year on fertilizers, pesticides, and water bills. 

🗣️ If you were to switch from a grass lawn to a more natural option, which of these factors would be your primary motivation?

🔘 Making it look better 🌱

🔘 Saving money on water and maintenance 💰

🔘 Helping pollinators 🐝

🔘 No way I ever get rid of my lawn 🚫

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

If you don't have much room to work with, you can replace just a portion of your yard with clover or plants native to your area. A biodiverse garden will provide a healthy ecosystem for pollinators, which also benefits humans because they support our food supply.

"No, please, no. It will look like s*** soon. I have torn out so much of this and trashed it. Use something natural. Wood. Stone," one commenter said.

"The roots will grow right under the plastic edging, it won't solve anything long term. You need something that goes deeper, like lumber, natural stone, or manufactured blocks to solve your problem," another suggested.

The OP thanked the community for the advice, saying they were now considering laying down bricks and decorative stones, even though it would cost them a hefty $1,300 more. "But I do want it to look good and hold up, so you all might have just saved me $280," they wrote.

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