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Homeowner shares incredible before-and-after photos after transforming dirt hill into lush garden landscape: 'That was the best glow-up I've seen for a yard'

"With some more hard work and lots of trips to nurseries, this is where I'm at now."

"With some more hard work and lots of trips to nurseries, this is where I'm at now."

Photo Credit: iStock

One homeowner's gorgeous garden started from what many would consider worse than nothing.

"This was my yard two years ago," says TikToker Stewart (@stewartctor) in his recent video about his backyard. "Just a dirt hill with an old coast live oak."

@stewartctor Two years into my journey with native-focused gardening #garden #nativeplants #wildlife #pollinators ♬ original sound - els

The video starts with a slideshow of "before" pictures showing a bare dirt slope with a concrete retaining wall running across it halfway down. The only sign of life is a few weeds. There are also piles of dead leaves from the large oak tree at the top and a few smaller trees on the neighboring properties.

"But I had an idea," Stewart adds, over a picture where he has sketched in new planters and retaining walls.

Stewart got to work, designing walled terraces and filling in each level to create flat areas for planting. "With some more hard work and lots of trips to nurseries, this is where I'm at now," he concludes.

The video then shows a thriving garden full of native flowers, including poppies, lupines, purple Chinese houses, Clarkia, and many others.

Just as plentiful as the flowers are the wild visitors: caterpillars, salamanders, butterflies, tadpoles, robins, raccoons, squirrels, tiny snakes, bees, and ladybugs. They're attracted to the food and shelter that the plants provide, as well as the water from a small fountain and pond Stewart installed.

Besides making a beautiful oasis for people and animals alike, there are many benefits to native plants. They support pollinators, which makes them good for food gardens, farms, and the whole ecosystem. 

Plus, native plants have little need for maintenance or extra water, since they're made to grow wild in the area. That makes them cheap and easy to keep, even for beginners.

🗣️ What's the worst thing about taking care of your yard?

🔘 The time it takes ⏰

🔘 How noisy it is 🙉

🔘 It's too expensive 💸

🔘 I don't have a yard 🤷🏾‍♀️

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According to Stewart, he was two years into his native-plant gardening journey at the time of the video. "And I'm just getting started," he adds.

"That was the best glow-up I've seen for a yard!" said one commenter.

"You created a wildlife sanctuary," said another user.

If you want to try growing native plants and enjoy some wildlife of your own, check out this guide.

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