Patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to thrift shopping, as one Redditor proved with an incredible backpack they found for only $7.99. The designer brand retails for hundreds online.
"Took an hour, but gold was found," the Redditor posted along with photos of the impressive find. The black, Italian-made Moncler backpack includes a special QR to verify the item with its unique garment code. "Almost all newer Moncler items have a QR code/number you can scan or input to authenticate," the Redditor explained in the comments.

The high-end brand specializes in accessories and apparel, with prices for new backpacks and bags starting over $600. "It's going for $525 online at Neiman Marcus," one commenter reported.
Although the backpack appears to be in good shape overall, one commenter shared a helpful tip to touch up the slight wear on the piece. "A small bit of black leather dye balm for the edging will have it looking brand new." With a few simple stitches or a bit of paint or dye, thrift shoppers can breathe new life into secondhand finds.
Shopping secondhand at flea markets, yard sales, and thrift stores is a great way to save money and discover hidden treasures while also helping the planet. As one Redditor aptly noted, "Siftin' for gold ain't easy," but it can be incredibly rewarding.
"Unreal find! This is gearing me up for next time at the bins!" added another.
With patience and luck, thrifters have found amazing deals on specialty and designer items while saving them from finding their way to the landfill. Textile waste is a growing problem in the U.S., as more than 34 billion pounds of textiles are thrown out each year — two-thirds of which is sent to landfills.
A significant amount of textile waste gets shipped abroad, causing damage to the environment and human health by polluting the soil and groundwater as they decompose, clogging up gutters and waterways, and damaging people's lungs from the air pollution that results from burning unwanted clothing.
With actions like shopping secondhand, repairing or upcycling clothes, and swapping wardrobes with a friend, we can help reduce textile waste. Patient and eagle-eyed thrifters might even come across unbelievable finds like the Redditor's designer backpack while browsing the secondhand racks.
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