One homeowner turned their ordinary lawn into a fairy-tale meadow when they decided to replant the entire area with native wildflowers.
Native plants are popular in the r/NoLawns community. They're diverse and often beautiful, and because they evolved in the local climate, they've adapted to the temperature and rainfall there, meaning they can thrive without extra irrigation. They don't need mowing, and they attract beneficial insects like butterflies and bees — pollinators that keep the whole ecosystem healthy.

This Redditor updated their yard and then decided to share the project with the online community. "Before and after I replaced the lawn with locally indigenous wildflowers," they said, sharing photos of the process.
Their "before" image is a rainy day photo of an ordinary lawn with a few balding patches where the grass is struggling. In later images, they dig out most of the grass, leaving a network of intersecting grass paths outlined in rocks and logs.
In the beds in between, the Redditor planted a carpet of flowers, including bright pink oxalis. "They are happy to grow through a lawn but I gave them their own little spot and we call it Fairy Corner," they said. They also planted thick beds of white daisies.
According to the Redditor, their gorgeous native garden transformation took only four months to go from freshly dug dirt to full bloom. Their dogs, visible in several photos, also seem to approve of the change.
Commenters were enchanted with the outcome. "So pretty!" said one user. "A lawn duo of daisies would make me smile every day! Good job."
"Absolutely beautiful," wrote another.
"What always strikes me is how much more interesting the yard is visually with all the native plants instead of the boring lawn," said a third Redditor. "Then, when you spend more time in the yard you find out there is so much more going on with the ecosystem also."
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