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Proud homeowner sparks inspiration with stunning photo of yard after two-year transformation: 'Amazing work'

"It turned out better than I could have hoped for."

"It turned out better than I could have hoped for."

Photo Credit: iStock

One homeowner achieved incredible results when they decided to turn part of their new lawn into a flower-filled meadow.

"Two years from boring lawn to wildflower meadow," they boasted in a post on r/meadowscaping. "It turned out better than I could have hoped for."

"It turned out better than I could have hoped for."
Photo Credit: Reddit

The post came with a photo showing an incredible mixture of at least 10 different kinds of flowers and plants, some appearing to grow taller than a person. Black-eyed Susans and firewheels are visible in the foreground, with thousands of blossoms filling the frame.

"We bought our place three years ago," the original poster explained. "It's 2.5 acres, some of which is marshland and woods but most of which is lawns."

That gave the original poster plenty of space to work with. "I spent 18 months killing off a large part of the lawn by covering it with a huge tarp," they said. "I then seeded it with native wildflowers, and this summer was the first time it all flowered. The bees, birds, and butterflies have been all over it all summer and fall."

As this Redditor discovered, even a partial lawn transformation comes with incredible benefits. Native plants grow easily in the local conditions they're used to while needing much less water and care than a lawn. That makes them easy to grow and cheap to keep. They also attract and feed vital pollinators, and they're often extremely beautiful.

Other low-maintenance lawn alternatives include clover and buffalo grass.

Commenters were impressed with this homeowner's meadow transformation.

"I love it," said one user. "Amazing work."

"That's beautiful and what I am hoping for!" said another commenter. "I just got done tilling and will be spreading seeds on a 1 1/2 acre part of our property. Many people have said it can take up to three years for a good meadow, but you doing it in two is an inspiration!"

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