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Gardener demonstrates 'fantastic' hack for growing healthy plants with just 2 low-cost items: 'I needed this video'

This method can last for years.

Homemade trellis 'fantastic' hack for growing healthy plants with just 2 low-cost items

Photo Credit: @epicgardening / Instagram

Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or just starting out, building your first DIY trellis may be intimidating. Luckily, one gardener shared a genius, low-cost technique that will likely change how you grow climbing plants moving forward. 

The scoop

In a viral Instagram reel, Jake Espiritu from Epic Gardening (@epicgardening) shared his budget-friendly hack for creating a DIY trellis. 

This hack is one of many tips and tricks Epic Gardening shares on their gardening help social media platforms. 

"This is the easiest trellis to build," Espiritu says. "To make this trellis, you need three bamboo stakes and some twine. That's it." 

First, line up the bamboo stakes and tie a knot near the top of the leftmost stake. Then, wrap the twine around each of the stakes three or four times. Next, wrap the twine between each stake twice.

When you reach the final stake, tie a knot and cut any excess twine. You'll have created a simple but effective teepee trellis to help your climbing plants thrive. 

"It's perfect for planting something like a climbing bean," Espiritu says.

How it's helping 

This is a budget-friendly technique made from durable, biodegradable materials that are easy to work with. 

Instead of splurging on prebuilt trellises, you can make your own at a cheaper cost. With twine and a few stakes, you'll have everything you need to build your own in minutes. Bamboo trellises can last years, meaning you'll get the most out of your money.

Buying multiple trellises for your garden can add up, so this hack can help you cut down gardening costs. Bamboo is a great material for building trellises. It's lightweight but sturdy enough to support your plants even during harsh weather. 

Bamboo and twine made from natural materials are also biodegradable. Using bamboo and twine instead of other materials that are difficult to dispose of will create less waste. 

What everyone's saying 

Instagrammers were impressed by Espiritu's simple trellis hack and thanked him in the comment section.

"I needed this video," one user wrote. "Let's just say I improvised with three zip ties, and now I have regrets."

"I wondered how to tie it! Mine kept coming apart, and now they won't. Thanks," another Instagrammer said.

"Love it, and they look cool," a third user added.

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