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Instagrammer shares incredible hack for making hair ties out of a surprising household item: 'I never thought to do this'

"I've been doing this for years!!"

Make hair ties out of old tights

Photo Credit: @livekindly / Instagram

Always losing your hair ties? Worry no more! With a helpful hack from Livekindly (@livekindly) on Instagram, you can upcycle your own at home. 

The scoop

Thanks to Livekindly, we're never buying new hair ties again. The brand, which shares useful sustainability tips, recently shared a way to make old pairs of tights into hair ties. 

The video demonstrates someone taking a pair of scissors and an old pair of tights and cutting horizontally along the leg in one-inch increments. Then you just give them a slight stretch to form their shape. Could it be any easier?

"They look and hold just like the ones you buy from the store!" the video explains. 

The video also suggests experimenting with the size of the section cut for extra hold. 

How it's helping

If you're anything like us, this hack could save you quite a bit of cash. Hair ties can be surprisingly expensive, and if you tend to - ahem - misplace them, you don't need to worry anymore. 

Upcycling hacks like this are a great way to cut down on the amount of waste you produce. It's a pretty worthy cause, considering American households produce nearly 300 million tons of trash per year. That's five pounds of trash per person daily.

These types of hacks are especially useful for beauty products, which are some of the worst culprits for creating waste. In fact, the global beauty industry creates an estimated 120 billion units of packaging per year.

Hacks like this help cut down on the waste we create, getting each of us one step closer to a zero-waste life, where, ideally, we could all send no trash to landfills. 

What everyone's saying

For some, the hack wasn't anything new. 

"I've been doing this for years!!" one commenter said. "Glad it's no longer just me and others are too."

Others were stoked to try out this seemingly simple trick. 

"OMG. Dancer here who totally has old tights to use for this," another person said. "YAY ty!"

"Brilliant! I never thought to do this," another said. 

So grab your scissors and a pair of tights and get hacking.

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