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Gardener shares bizarrely effective hack for keeping squirrels and birds out of your yard: 'I swear it works'

"Did this, and it helped so much."

Gardening hack with Forks

Photo Credit: @howdoessshe/ Tiktok

Who doesn't love a good gardening hack? And, if it can keep the pests away — like one recent TikTok video suggests — then it's even better.

The scoop

The video, shared by HowDoesShe (@howdoessshe), shows a garden dotted with rows and rows of forks sticking out of the ground. That's right — forks. 

@howdoesshe Weird hack, but I swear it works! #lifehacks #gardening #healthylifestyle #veggies #planting ♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys - Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey

"Weird hack, but I swear it works," the TikToker writes in the caption.

The TikToker goes on to write in the video, "It will save your garden. Might look a little crazy..." 

But according to the clip, placing forks around your baby plants or seedlings helps to keep squirrels and birds away.

How it's helping

You put a lot of hard work into your garden with the hope that it will, quite literally, bear fruit (and veggies). Nothing can be more devastating than stepping out into your garden one morning only to see that the early birds and squirrels, among other critters, have helped themselves to your delicious little plants.

Using a DIY hack like forks, which stick up and make it difficult for the critters to access your young plants, is an inexpensive and effective hack. Other animal deterrents like chicken wire can cost you a pretty penny and can be difficult to position in your yard, especially if you have a smaller space.

The hack is also a great way to use up any plastic takeout cutlery you happen to have laying around.

What everyone's saying

TikTokers were overall extremely impressed by the hack, and some said they tried it themselves.

"Did this, and it helped so much," one TikToker writes

"I love this idea but wish there was a prettier way to do it," writes another, suggesting bamboo forks might look nicer in their yard.

"Omg, I love this," writes another TikToker. "It might also keep the landscapers from cutting my plants."

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