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Gardener seeks advice after discovering rodent in compost bin: 'What should I do?'

"It took us a while to figure out they weren't mice too."

"It took us a while to figure out they weren't mice too."

Photo Credit: iStock

A popular post in Reddit's r/gardening community caught the attention of composting veterans everywhere.

A Redditor shared a video of what they thought were mice scurrying around inside their compost bin, asking, "Is it ok to have mice in my compost bin? At least I think they are mice they are pretty tiny."

"It took us a while to figure out they weren't mice too."
Photo Credit: Reddit

Eagle-eyed commenters quickly identified the little creatures as brown Norwegian rats, not mice. The original poster, now aware of the true identity of their compost invaders, asked, "What should I do to try to get them out of the compost?"

Composting is just one of many ways to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly garden. Whether you're saving food scraps or stashing yard waste (or both), you'll save money and keep potentially thousands of pounds of waste out of landfills over the long term.

You can use all that plant food to install a native-plant lawn, which has a slew of further benefits. These include saving money and time on lawn maintenance, conserving water and lowering water bills, and creating a healthier ecosystem for pollinators (which ultimately benefits humans, as pollinators protect our food supply).

While composting is an excellent way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden, it can sometimes attract unwanted pests, like rats. These rodents can not only contaminate your compost but also cause damage to your garden and home.

Luckily, commenters were quick to offer several eco-friendly solutions to keep compost bins rat-free.

"I recommend the enclosed rolling compost bin," one user wrote. "They produce compost more quickly and are enclosed so the don't attract rodents. They are more expensive but in your situation it would be worth it."

Another commenter shared their own experience with rats, stating: "It's definitely a rat — we have the same kind in our yard and it took us a while to figure out they weren't mice too. They mowed down my entire veggie garden in one night and then started decapitating my flower beds."

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Another Redditor advised, "Dismantle the entire pile, and clean up around your house foundation and out in the yard, eliminating piles of junk, tree limbs, overgrown tall grass and weeds, etc., all of which provide hiding places and habitat. This will force them to retreat back to the woods."

By addressing pest issues with natural solutions and maintaining a tidy outdoor space, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor while doing your part to protect the planet.

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