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Home chef shares easy hack to clean hard-to-reach parts of oddly shaped containers: 'I always struggled'

"Oh wow, thanks for sharing this!"

"Oh wow, thanks for sharing this!"

Photo Credit: Instagram

Cleaning the bottom of reusable containers can be challenging, especially when the bottle's opening is narrow.

However, thanks to chef and educator Carmen Karlsgodt (@healthycongusto), you can now easily clean and reuse those odd-shaped containers. Plus, her simple, inexpensive cleaning hack uses an ingredient you probably already have in your pantry.

The scoop

Regular sponges and brushes can't clean the bottom of long, narrow containers. The next time you have to clean those tough-to-reach spots, consider using some uncooked rice.

Simply take a funnel and attach it to the opening of your bottle. Then, pour some uncooked rice into the container before adding dish soap and water. Shake the container for a few seconds. Once the dirt and grime are gone, pour the rice-water mixture down the drain. 

"The rice acts as a scrub," says Carmen. "Remember to use a strainer when pouring out the rice, otherwise it might clog your drain."

How it's helping

This natural cleaning solution is a cheap and non-toxic alternative to traditional cleaning agents. Store-bought cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to breathe in. With Carmen's rice water hack, you can save money on cleaning products while also protecting yourself from toxic ingredients

Carmen's hack also encourages everyone to wash and reuse containers. Reusing bottles is a great way to reduce plastic usage and environmental impact. 

Plastic waste is a massive challenge worldwide. A new study found that approximately 170 trillion pieces of plastic pollute the ocean. So, the more plastic you recycle and reuse, the more you can help decrease plastic pollution around the world. 

What everyone's saying 

Instagrammers were grateful to learn the hack and offered additional eco-friendly solutions for cleaning tough containers. 

"Omg I love this," commented one user. "I always struggled with odd-shaped bottles!!!"

"Oh wow, thanks for sharing this!" responded another Instagrammer.

"My grandpa uses sand instead of rice and it works the same," wrote one user.

"I've used maldon salt and rock salt before," commented another Instagrammer. "Need to try this, I have so much rice."

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