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Tesla and Samsung announce partnership that will be a game-changer for homeowners: 'This new collaboration is a key milestone'

It's the latest move that continues Tesla's trend toward electrical dominance.

It's the latest move that continues Tesla's trend toward electrical dominance.

Photo Credit: iStock

Tesla and Samsung are partnering to boost energy connectivity.

The electronics giant announced in a news release "that it has established a service integration with Tesla … that will connect SmartThings Energy to Tesla products such as Powerwall home battery, Solar Inverter, Wall Connector charging solutions and electric vehicles." 

The move came shortly after Tesla updated its Application Program Interface for more app developers.

"Tesla Energy's customers can now manage and monitor the power status of their homes through SmartThings Energy and Samsung devices in addition to the Tesla app, ensuring more access and connectivity," said Chanwoo Park, a Samsung EVP. 

"This new collaboration is a key milestone for Samsung Electronics in making our solution more widely available beyond home appliances."

Electrek projected that Samsung will allow users to monitor Tesla products through the Samsung app and that the collaboration will expand over time. Additionally, the outlet believes that Tesla will push notifications for Storm Watch onto Samsung television products. The company may also turn off Samsung devices when Tesla systems switch to backup power for the sake of extending off-grid power sessions.

It's the latest move that continues Tesla's trend toward electrical dominance — not just in the EV sphere but also in supplying power to homes and buildings. 

Last year, the company began its Megapack project in Australia to assist the country with more efficient solar energy production, allowing Australians to store excess solar power when they can't immediately use it.

The company also has plans to expand its energy storage in the United States, which will "create a cleaner grid that protects our communities and the environment." It's made particular strides in Hawai'i, where Megapacks replaced the state's last remaining coal power plant — which will help the state reach its goal of running off 100% green energy by 2045.

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