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Tesla's Model Y is taking over the world with its incredible sales numbers — here's the proof

"The North American consumers were the luckiest."

"The North American consumers were the luckiest."

Photo Credit: iStock

The Model Y Tesla was the leading car in sales in every quarter of 2023, according to a December report from Clean Technica

While there have been "no official numbers" released about Model Y Tesla sales yet, Clean Technica said it is expected that more than 1.2 million of these cars sold worldwide in 2023. That would make the Model Y "the best-selling car in the world." Again. 

Model Y Teslas are completely electric vehicles. Each EV bought and driven at least 15,000 miles in place of a gas-run vehicle decreases Earth's carbon pollution.

With the predicted sales numbers of these cars this year, the decrease in pollutants in the air will really add up. This is because electric cars do not burn gas or emit tailpipe pollution — operating on electricity is far more energy-efficient, even in locations predominantly fueled by coal. 

This is wonderful news, particularly for urban areas with poor air quality. The wider world also benefits, as less air pollution means slowing down the overheating of the Earth overall.

As Energy 5 said, another direct result of increased EV sales is helping to keep neighborhoods peaceful, as "electric cars are much quieter than traditional cars, which can help reduce noise pollution."

EVs also mean fewer stops per year to refuel, as most can be charged at home overnight and carry ranges that far exceed a normal day of driving. 

As evidenced by the sales, the Model Y continues to take the automotive industry by storm. One reason for this may be that this car is a combination of "the premium and affordable EVs Tesla offers," said Mufit Yilmaz Gokmen of GlobalFleet

According to Gokmen, the Model Y has a little bit more cargo space, and prices were greatly reduced in the US in 2023.

"The North American consumers were the luckiest, as the Model Y long-range AWD (all-wheel drive) and Model Y Performance witnessed cuts up to $13,000 and $9,000, respectively." That's a pretty solid motivator if you were already considering buying one. 

Regardless of why sales of the Tesla Model Y are at an all-time high, one thing is certain: As sales go up, gasoline fuel usage and pollution go down.

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