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K-pop fans use their immense influence for unexpected cause: 'This [is] a victory of thousands of people'

The group's mission is to empower fans to make a positive impact through simple, everyday actions.

The group’s mission is to empower fans to make a positive impact through simple, everyday actions.

Photo Credit: Kpop4Planet

K-pop fans around the world are using their immense online influence to drive climate action and promote sustainability.

These fans, who are known for their ability to quickly organize and amplify causes, are now channeling their passion into fighting rising global temperatures, according to the Associated Press.

It all started in 2021 when K-pop fans Nurul Sarifah and Dayeon Lee founded Kpop4Planet, an environmental group dedicated to harnessing the power of K-pop fandom for the planet. The group's mission is to empower fans to make a positive impact through simple, everyday actions.

One of the key issues Kpop4Planet tackles is waste in the K-pop industry itself. It has urged entertainment companies to cut back on the wasteful photo cards included in albums, which encourage fans to bulk-buy in hopes of scoring coveted lucky draws and meet-and-greets with stars.

While companies haven't directly responded, positive changes are happening. Major labels are publishing sustainability reports and releasing eco-friendly albums that minimize waste, like using QR codes instead of tons of photo cards. It's a win-win — saving resources and showing fans that small changes add up.

Kpop4Planet has also joined forces with other activist groups to amplify its impact. Together with Korea Beyond Coal, it raised awareness about a proposed coal power plant near a beach featured in BTS album art — a popular fan destination. Thousands of fans signed the petition to stop the plant.

More recently, Kpop4Planet launched a petition asking automaker Hyundai to withdraw from a deal involving coal-powered aluminum production in Indonesia, given Hyundai's collaboration with superstar group BTS. Over 10,000 fans signed in just two months, and Hyundai listened — announcing it wouldn't renew the agreement.

As Sarifah said, "This [is] a victory of thousands of people, friends who took actions and also show that they genuinely care about the climate crisis and local communities."

K-pop fans are showing that their incredible mobilization skills, usually used to support their favorite idols, can drive real action for the planet, too. As more fans realize their power to spur eco-friendly changes from their favorite brands, there's no telling how far their impact could reach.

One thing's for sure — with millions of dedicated fans worldwide, the K-pop community is an unstoppable force for a more sustainable future.

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