Having extra boxes on hand is sometimes helpful if you're planning on moving or need storage space. But when Amazon delivers your order in a giant box packed with other boxes you don't need, it's more of a headache than a blessing.
One customer posted about their experience with the company's wasteful packaging practices in the r/EgregiousPackaging subreddit, and it was eye-opening since they only ordered a few items.
What's happening?
The Reddit user uploaded three photos of their Amazon order. The first photo revealed a long box that seemed to hold a fairly large item. However, upon opening the box, the customer found three smaller boxes and paper fillers stuffed inside.

Judging by the third photo, it appears the original poster only purchased three items from Tempaper & Co., which specializes in peel-and-stick wallpaper. The wallpaper rolls could've easily fit in one box, and there doesn't seem to be a logical reason for the excessive packaging since the wallpaper isn't fragile.
"Thanks for the extra boxes to break down Amazon," the original poster wrote in the post.
"Build a treehouse fort out of all the extra packaging so that the original trees didn't die in vain," one commenter said.
"At least you break down the boxes, unlike every person I'm surrounded by in my apartment complex," another shared.
Why is packaging waste important?
Excessive packaging is inconvenient for customers who are left with extra trash, and it also increases the cost of shipments.
While cardboard is one of the most environmentally friendly materials, especially if recycled, it still requires energy to produce and transport, contributing to heat-trapping pollution. Manufacturing virgin cardboard uses even more resources since trees must be cut down to make it, releasing more carbon into the atmosphere.
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If the boxes are thrown away rather than recycled, they will end up in landfills or as litter in the environment, potentially putting animals at risk.
Many people find online shopping easier, but they may be reluctant to buy from companies that use unnecessary packaging materials.
Is Amazon doing anything about this?
Amazon has set big goals to reduce packaging waste and has made notable progress. For example, since 2015, it has slashed the average packaging weight per shipment by 43% and eliminated more than 3.3 million tons of packaging.
In addition, as of October, Amazon has eliminated all plastic air pillows from its delivery packaging used at global fulfillment facilities and swapped them with recyclable paper filler.
The company uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to optimize packaging, but experiences such as this Reddit user suggest there is room for improvement in reducing waste. Amazon offers lightweight packaging in paper mailers and bags, but many customers still report incidents of wasteful packaging.
What's being done about excessive packaging more broadly?
Major retailers are taking bold steps to cut plastic waste and packaging. Walmart has avoided over 2,000 tons of single-use plastic by swapping plastic mailing envelopes with recyclable paper. Patagonia partnered with an environmental nonprofit to create packaging made from agricultural waste rather than trees. Aldi has also introduced recyclable packaging for several products, including its block butter and one type of cheese.
Shoppers can help in these efforts by supporting companies that use plastic-free, sustainable packaging and recycling packaging materials when possible.
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