As biodegradable and compostable alternatives to plastic become more common, buyers have more options than ever before to avoid polluting products made of plastic. However, looks can be deceiving, and many plastic containers look similar to eco-friendly alternatives, causing confusion. One Redditor recently highlighted why consumers have to read the label every time.
What happened?
According to the Redditor, they didn't have a say in choosing the food container that disappointed them; instead, it was given to their wife at an event.
"Look at this packaging my wife just brought home with leftovers from a work dinner," they complained. "With this logo and a name like EarthChoice, I thought this might be a compostable container or some such."

The container in the original poster's photo looks like many compostable options. It's opaque, matte, and off-white instead of having a shiny finish usually associated with single-use plastic. The EarthChoice logo on the lid also includes a tree, suggesting green products.
Flipping the container over tells a different story, though. "Nope! Just regular old plastic #5, designed to LOOK like they're helping the environment," said the OP. "They should be liable for false advertising."
Why does the container's material matter?
Plastic rarely gets recycled, and when left to break down naturally, it takes a hundred years or more. It's a major source of pollution and a growing problem for the planet.
Biodegradable alternatives are designed to break down much more quickly when discarded. This helps prevent pollution and saves space in landfills. Because of these benefits, buyers often seek out biodegradable options, even when they cost more.
If a product looks eco-friendly but harms the planet, well-meaning consumers can be fooled. This is called greenwashing, and it hurts buyers' ability to make informed decisions about their purchases.
For example, someone who thought this product was compostable might pay extra for it and then end up with a compost bin full of dirty plastic.
What is EarthChoice doing for sustainability?
EarthChoice, a product of Pactiv Evergreen, did not respond to The Cool Down's email request for comment.
While EarthChoice doesn't seem to offer compostable containers, it does claim its products are more eco-friendly than many alternatives. According to the company's website, it's making efforts to use less plastic in each container, add recycled material where possible, make its containers reusable and dishwasher-safe, and ensure its items are recyclable.
For example, the container in this Reddit post is labeled for recycling, according to the OP.
What can I do to cut down on plastic?
This entire situation could have been avoided with a reusable food container, such as a silicone bag or dish.
You can also eliminate plastic in other areas. For example, a reusable water bottle is cheaper, healthier, and greener than bottled water, and the same goes for a metal razor instead of disposable ones.
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