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Gardener demonstrates simple method to grow seemingly endless supply of herbs: 'After a few weeks they'll start to form'

Buying fresh herbs at the store every time you need them quickly adds up, especially given the current rate of grocery inflation.

Buying fresh herbs at the store every time you need them quickly adds up, especially given the current rate of grocery inflation.

Photo Credit: TikTok

Growing unlimited rosemary at home is easier than you think. A viral TikTok video demonstrates how you can turn a few sprigs into a never-ending supply of this flavorful and healthy herb with one simple trick.

The scoop

Sustainable gardening influencer Joe's Garden (@joesgarden) demonstrates the rosemary-multiplying hack in a recent video. Here's how it works:

@joesgarden Did you know you can grow unlimited rosemary by following this one quick tip 😊🌱 #plants #plantsoftiktok #reuse #diy #organic #herbs ♬ Choking on Flowers - Fox Academy

"Did you know you can grow unlimited rosemary with this one quick tip?" Joe asks. "Simply take some green stem cuttings and remove the bottom leaves. Then just fill up a small container with water and drop your cuttings in. After a few weeks they'll start to form their own root.

"This also works with a few other herbs, then just pop them on individually."

Got that? All you need is a handful of fresh rosemary sprigs, a clean glass or jar, and some water. Snip the bottom leaves off, plop the cuttings into the water, and watch the roots take hold. In a few weeks, you'll have new rosemary plants to enjoy.

How it's helping

This easy propagation method helps both your wallet and the planet. Buying fresh herbs at the store every time you need them quickly adds up, especially given the current rate of grocery inflation. With a windowsill rosemary garden, you have an endless supply for just pennies.

Plus, homegrown means no pesticides or plastic packaging. You avoid the environmental impact of commercially grown rosemary.

Foods grown far away and shipped to grocery stores have a big carbon footprint. The more you grow yourself, the less you rely on mass-produced food.

Gardening itself comes with a bunch of benefits beyond saving money and resources. Getting your hands in the dirt is great for your mental and physical health. It connects you with nature and can be a calming, meditative activity.

What everyone's saying

The clever rosemary trick is resonating with folks on TikTok. Over 18,000 have liked the video, and the comments are full of people eager to try it themselves.

"If only this worked with chocolate," one user joked.

Another said: "Your garden is lovely, would you consider doing a garden tour?"

Many chimed in with a simple but appreciative, "Wow thanks for sharing."

It looks like this simple hack is inspiring a whole crop of new herb gardeners. Will you join the trend and start your own unlimited rosemary supply? Mother Earth thanks you if so.

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