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Authorities catch man attempting to smuggle bizarre item through airport: 'A serious violation of wildlife and customs laws'

Authorities said it was believed to belong to a protected species, though they didn't specify which one.

Authorities said it was believed to belong to a protected species, though they didn’t specify which one.

Photo Credit: iStock

A 32-year-old Canadian man was detained in early January after allegedly trying to smuggle a unique specimen out of India, according to CNN.

"Upon examination, a skull with sharp teeth, resembling the jaw of a baby crocodile, weighing approximately 777 grams, was discovered wrapped in a cream-colored cloth," Delhi Customs said.

What's happening?

Authorities said the skull was believed to belong to a protected species, though they didn't specify which one. The confiscated skull was sent for testing to confirm its identity. At the very least, it is more proof of an ongoing active market for poaching. India has the dubious honor of being a major trafficking hub for endangered animals and remains. 

"This case highlights a serious violation of wildlife and customs laws," Delhi Customs said, per CNN. "Collaboration between Customs and Forest Departments is crucial to ensuring such protected wildlife items are not smuggled."

While we don't know details in this instance, the gharial is the most threatened crocodile species in India. It is among the rarest crocodile species in the world. 

The animals had been hunted down to less than 200 in 2006, but thanks to rigorous breeding and protection, their population is back up to roughly 1,000. This is still a massive decline from a peak of 20,000. The gharial remains under threat from habitat destruction and fishing. 

Why is animal poaching important?

The endangered animal trade, powered by the potential for profit at the cost of the most vulnerable animal species, is a challenge for authorities. Poachers try to smuggle tarantulas, establish elaborate rings, and traffic in hundreds of animal parts. Robust laws and well-equipped agencies can help to tamp down these crimes and protect targeted species. 

What's being done about animal poaching?

India has several laws in place to dissuade this kind of behavior. The Wildlife Protection Act limits the export of animal remains, which is usually restricted to scientific research. The Customs Act empowers government personnel to arrest travelers who are trafficking in prohibited goods. India is also a member state of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

India has successfully slowed rhino poaching thanks to concerted efforts. Similar work in Madagascar has yielded results in saving turtles from illicit trade

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